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关于”介绍狐狸的加“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Introduce the fox。以下是关于介绍狐狸的加的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce the fox

Foxes are carnivores with sharp mouth, big ears, long body, short legs and long tail. Their hair is red except for white tail. In particular, there is a hole on the top of the tail, which can release solid smell.

It mainly feeds on the corpses of rats, sea animals, birds and healthy animals. In every region of China, they almost live in forests, grasslands and semi deserts and live in trees In caves or burrows, they look for food at dusk, rest and go home the next day. They have wonderful smell and hearing.

They move quickly. Finally, their leather is the traditional precious fur of our country.




The tailless fox was trapped by a fox's tail while trying to release himself. Except for the stump, he lost his whole tail. At first he was ashamed to see the other foxes because he had no tail, but he was determined to face his own misfortune.

He called all the foxes to a meeting, and when they got together, the fox said they should take off their tails. He said that when they meet their enemies, their tails are very inconvenient; he doesn't talk about any advantages of tails. "You're right," said an old fox, "but if you don't lose your tail yourself, I don't think you'd suggest that we get rid of them." ● ● :.



他说,当它们遇到敌人时,它们的尾巴很不方便;他没有谈到尾巴的任何优点,“你说得对,”一只年长的狐狸说,“但如果你不是自己先把尾巴弄丢的话,我不认为你会建议我们去掉尾巴。”● ● :。


Foxes are very clever animals. There are several kinds of them. They are not big animals, but they run very fast.

Foxes eat small animals such as mice and squirrels. They are close to dogs and can be trained. There are not many foxes around.

We should protect them.




标签: 英文 七年级 作文 万能 介绍

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