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关于”对于偶像理解“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Understanding of idols。以下是关于对于偶像理解的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Understanding of idols

Title: learn to be independent. We are more advanced than any other animal. We can cook, we can drive, we can use TV.

We have many skills. But we are not so independent when we are born. We must learn independent skills.

The most important thing is to learn to speak and walk. If we can't speak, we can't communicate We can't be independent. We must learn to speak as soon as possible.

I don't remember when I could talk. My mother told me that I could talk when I was half and a half years old. The first word I said was Mom.

When the word came out of my mouth, she was very happy. Then she taught me more words. Then I could tell them that I was hungry and I was not happy, so I think this is the first thing I learned to be independent.

If we can't walk, we can't leave our mother's embrace, so learning to walk is also very important for us. We need to be independent. Then I have to learn to read and learn to do things by myself.

I am more and more independent. Everyone should be independent. We can do this by learning skills.





2:对偶像的理解,Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. It is a day for family members to get together, just like Christmas in the West. Spring Festival is usually called "new year" and is on January


The Chinese government stipulates that at the beginning of the Spring Festival, people have a rest day. From the end of December to the beginning of January of the next year, the most important day is the eve of the Spring Festival. According to Chinese folklore, "new year" is a terrible Festival.

People put red couplets on the gate. When I was a child, the Spring Festival was my favorite festival. I usually spent the Spring Festival with my family.

We ate and drank together What happened in the past year. On the eve of the Spring Festival, we watched the Spring Festival Gala together. The children received lucky money for the first time.

On this day of the lunar new year, we also visited our relatives and friends. Do you usually celebrate Spring Festival.





3:对于偶像理解,Chester is my window to understand the mysterious relationship between canines and humans. There was a big conference about dogs. Maybe a few years ago, representatives from all over the world attended an international conference.

At that meeting, they decided that human beings are the species of the future, and dogs would make decisions with them. Obviously, it was not consistent. Wolves and wild dogs came out to protest, When they heard their own conference - in Paris, of course - accusing dogs of succumbing to human powers, their reaction was even more negative - and their manifesto, La condition f é line, could still be found in provincial bookstores.


切斯特是我了解犬科动物和人类之间神秘联系的窗口狗有一个大型会议,也许几年前召开了一个大型会议,来自世界各地的代表参加了一个国际会议,在那次会议上,他们决定人类是未来的物种,而狗将与他们一起做出决定显然不是一致的,狼和野狗走出来抗议,当他们听到他们自己召开的会议——当然是在巴黎——谴责犬只屈从于人类超能力的消息时,他们的反应更为消极——他们的宣言——La Condition Féline——仍然可以在省级书店找到。


标签: 四年级 作文 偶像 年级 满分

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