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关于”赠人玫瑰手有余香“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:you share rose get fun。以下是关于赠人玫瑰手有余香的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:you share rose get fun

Do you know what "Esio" is? You must think this word doesn't exist, but if you turn it upside down, you can see that it's a word. This is a story about Mrs. flowers.

Silver and a turtle let me introduce it to you, because he is a helpful person who lives in a small apartment. Mrs. silver is his neighbor's wife.

He loves tortoise. Silver is very worried about her tortoise not growing Mr. Hua tried to help her, but he was very shy.

He told her that if she read about her tortoise trotting, the tortoise would grow faster. Then Hua Hua bought a turtle. The tortoise was a little bigger than Mrs.

silver and put it in her house. Then silver saw her turtle grow up. She was very excited.

She found Mr. Hua Yingui. She felt moved and married him I think the story has moved me.




If you only know how to harvest, you will have happiness, you will lose the happiness in life, and bring convenience to yourself when it is convenient for others. A small kindness from the heart will cultivate great love on the stage of life, remember the grace of others, wash away the resentment against others, and in the blue sky journey of life.




Once upon a time, there was an old lady who liked to bake biscuits. No one shared them with her, so she gave them to the children nearby. This practice continued for several years, and biscuits became quite famous, especially during the Christmas period.

One Christmas day, the old woman was ill, and the children who had no biscuits or money to pay the doctor were very sad. Then they had a clever idea, which was to bake biscuits with the old lady's recipe. The children opened a biscuit shop.

Soon their biscuit business was very good. When they had money, they could pay doctors, or they could put them into the bank after the women recovered. She was asked to be the manager of the store, selling special biscuits at all the festivals of the year.

Maybe life is like a christmas cook. The more you share with your friends, the more likely you are to enjoy it (^ ^ ^).





标签: 高分 三年级 作文 年级

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