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关于”介绍美国“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Introduction to the United States。以下是关于介绍美国的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to the United States

In Tibet, people are busy preparing for the traditional Tibetan New Year. The year of the dragon will begin on Wednesday in Lhasa, the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region. The Potala Palace Square is decorated with festival decorations.

Starting Monday, the main shopping streets are packed with shoppers. Beef, fresh yak butter and tea bricks are all necessities. Many Tibetans are also buying flowers to add color to their homes.

Azaleas are respected for their bright colors. In addition, thousands of local people will hold a group dance performance in Potala Palace Square on Friday.




American food: Dana Joseph's best dish, CNN travel When it comes to American food, the country is best known for its words that are more suitable for greasy, ground industrial output, but Americans have an impressive appetite for good things, and to celebrate its endless culinary creativity, we throw you a list of the most delicious American foods, and we know you'll want to give up some basic rules Admitting that even trying to define American food is difficult, further acknowledging that choosing your favorite American food necessarily means ignoring or inadvertently ignoring some of the popular local specialties. Thanksgiving dinner home is where there is such a turkey. On the first Thanksgiving Day, the pilgrims decided not to fast, but to meet with the Wampanoag Indians of Plymouth, with no elaborate center decorations or long family quarrels.

Today, we've avoided their favorite venison, and we've crammed their three-day meal into a voracious Canyon, but nothing tastes better than Turkey (roasted or fried birds, or tofu, or Louisiana's quirky Turducken seasoning (old bread or corn bread, onions and celery, sausage, fruit), chestnuts, oysters, No Whatever your mother did, sage is cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, that fashionable casserole of mung beans with French onion rings and pumpkin pie, which is almost iconic (and delicious if you ask most children) is a turkey TV dinner. It's the idea of a Swanson salesman who wants to run out of tons of frozen birds at exorbitant prices 'from the neatly packed airplane food, we really like the leftovers,' he said.


美国食品:Dana Joseph最棒的菜肴,CNN Travel May,Fast,junk,Processing当谈到美国食品时,这个国家最出名的是那些更适合油腻、磨碎的工业产出的词汇描述的东西,但是美国人对好东西有着令人印象深刻的胃口,为了庆祝它无穷的烹饪创意,我们把最美味的美国食物清单扔给你我们知道你会想放弃一些基本规则:承认即使试图定义美国食物也很困难进一步承认挑选最喜欢的美国食物必然意味着忽略或不小心忽略一些很受欢迎的地方特色感恩节晚餐之家就在有这样一只火鸡的地方。在第一个感恩节,朝圣者决定不禁食,而是和普利茅斯的万帕诺亚格印第安人聚会时,没有什么精美的中心装饰,也没有长时间的家庭争吵。今天我们避开了他们最肯定吃的鹿肉,我们把他们三天的大餐塞进了一个贪吃的峡谷里,尽管如此,没有什么比火鸡(烤的或油炸的鸟,或豆腐,或路易斯安那州流行的古怪的turducken调料(旧面包或玉米面包,洋葱和芹菜,香肠,水果)更好吃的了,栗子,牡蛎不管你妈妈做了什么,鼠尾草就是越橘酱,捣碎的土豆泥,那道时髦的绿豆砂锅,上面有法国洋葱圈,还有南瓜派几乎是标志性的(如果你问大多数孩子,也一样美味)是火鸡电视晚餐,这是斯旺森一位销售员的创意,他希望用光过高的价格成吨的冷冻鸟不是开玩笑的:他说,从包装整齐的飞机食品中我们真的很喜欢那些剩菜。


The national day of the United States, July, is to commemorate the declaration of independence and the declaration of Independence adopted by the Continental Congress in July. The declaration was drafted by Thomas Jefferson and signed by John Hancock, President of the Continental Congress, in July, which made all human beings equal. With the pursuit of happiness and natural rights and freedom, the power of the government came from the time when the people enumerated the British colonial rule The United States of America was solemnly declared to be independent from Britain.

The declaration of independence was a holiday to commemorate the permanent independence day of the American people. The early celebrations were mainly demonstrations and lectures. Later, outdoor activities, sports competitions and other events were added to set off firecrackers.

Fireworks activities were very popular at the beginning of the century In order to prevent fire and other hazards from being cancelled.




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