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关于”写一篇我的朋友的是“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Write an article about my friend。以下是关于写一篇我的朋友的是的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write an article about my friend

My friend Alice is my best friend. She is my deskmate. She is very beautiful.

She is taller than me. She is one of the good students in our class. The teacher likes her very much because she studies hard.

In order to improve her writing ability, she keeps a diary every day. She thinks it's important to take every opportunity to practice. She is very friendly to her classmates and we like her very much.





On January th, we had a big dinner together, and on January 1st we ushered in a new year. My mother took me to the zoo. We had a good time there, too.

Sometimes I stay at home to do my homework, read books and watch TV. My sister Sally bought me some English books, so I can learn more English in the future. My mother will take me to Hong Kong Disneyland.

I have never been there. I am looking forward to going there. This is my Spring Festival holiday.

I have a good time in these days. What do you think.





My best friend my best friend is XX. He is tall, looks good, studies hard, has many hobbies, such as playing basketball and tennis, he is very good at basketball, his idol is Kobe. Brian.

He is also a helpful boy. We all like him. He is handsome.

I have a good friend. His name is Mary Hayes. He is a boy.

He has black hair. He is a good student. He likes to help people, like to play football, he likes sports, he is a strong man.

My best friend is my classmate Jack. Since we entered the same class, we have been good friends. Jack is a very easy-going boy, and he is very kind.

He studies very hard. When we have difficulties in learning English or mathematics, he always gets the highest in my class He is always good-looking in basketball, and he is always willing to help us. He is the best basketball player in our school.

I like him very much and hope our friendship will last for everyone.





标签: 英文 三年级 作文 万能 年级

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