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关于”我印象最深的人“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The person who impressed me most。以下是关于我印象最深的人的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The person who impressed me most

"Who's here?" a group of officers and soldiers from the running, moved to the rescue work of the little girl's face suddenly filled with joy, Jiao zhe yelled: "come and help me." the officers and soldiers lowered their heads. The little girl said, "girl, we're here to save you. Don't talk, fight hard and wait for us." the little girl didn't listen to the speech.

Yan Baba saw the officers and soldiers in the tile like little girls In the gravel layer, if some rescue equipment is used, the ruins may collapse again, and the life of the small and medium-sized girls can't use machinery. The officers and soldiers encircle the pipes and throw the Paxia in their arms into the rubble. At this time, the rescue officers and soldiers have collapsed in many places, but they have been exhausted not long ago.

As long as they relax for one second, they are trapped in the waste The people under the ruins may face the danger of death. For the sake of the victims, they are in a dilemma and tired. The officers and soldiers who have nothing at all are fighting "as soon as possible" to enter into the belief of "saving people" for more than a second, and they are constantly rescuing the victims at that time.

The ruins around the little girl are finally cleaned up by the officers and soldiers, and the girls are successfully rescued.




The most impressive student in my memory, there are so many unforgettable men to help me, the most impressive is Lucy. She is my freshman roommate, which has a great impact on me. First of all, when I entered the University, Lucy set a good example for me in terms of independence.

She quickly adapted to the new environment, and she had a cheerful personality in her construction She spent a lot of time reading and mastering a new language in the library, and often recommended useful books and information to me. In short, I appreciate her modeling ability very much. I hope I can be as good as her and have a good friendship with Lucy.




Last summer vacation, I went to Hangzhou, the weather is not too hot, I went to the West Lake. It's very beautiful there. I had a good time boating by the lake.

Eat a lot of different kinds of food. I like to chat with the people there because they are very friendly. I had an exciting holiday in Hangzhou and I hope to go there next summer.





标签: 小升初 英文 高分 作文 印象

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