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Although many technological advances have taken place in an evolutionary way, sometimes a revolutionary technology appears on the horizon, creating surprising new conditions and profound changes. This is the case with the privately developed Moller crane, which is named after its inventor and has obtained his permission. I would like to discuss the military potential of this kind of aircraft, which is being evaluated by the military The reinforced Moller crane is known as the light air multi-purpose aircraft, or LAMV (pronounced "lamvie)" "LAMV" ("lamvee") LAMV is a vertical take-off and landing aircraft, which can fly quickly and quietly Mannerit is a new type of vehicle, which combines the speed of aircraft and the vertical take-off capability of helicopter with some characteristics of ground vehicles, but it is not limited by any existing transport mode.


虽然许多技术进步都是以进化的方式发生的,但有时一项革命性的技术出现在地平线上,创造了令人吃惊的新条件和深刻的变化,私人开发的莫勒天车就是这样,它是以其发明人的名字命名的,并得到了他的许可,我想讨论一下这种飞行器的军事潜力,军方正在评估的加固型莫勒天车被称为轻型空中多用途飞行器,或lamv(发音为“lamvee)”“lamv”(“lamvee”)lamv是一种垂直起降飞机,可以快速、安静地飞行,agile mannerit是一种新型运载工具,它将飞机的速度和直升机的垂直起飞能力与地面车辆的某些特性相结合,但不受任何现有运输方式的限制。


2:,I'm very happy to meet you here today. First of all, let me introduce myself. My English name is Charles.

The topic I want to discuss is about tutoring. Nowadays, Chinese children often get help from their parents in their homework, but many students today also get help from tutors. In the past ten years, the number of tutors has greatly increased.

A recent survey shows that about% of students have tutors. People have different attitudes towards tutoring. Some people hold a positive attitude towards it, because tutoring can help children overcome difficulties by reviewing old knowledge and preparing new courses.

Some parents choose tutoring because they are worried that their children will not learn enough knowledge in school Knowledge, or their children may need more difficult jobs than schools offer. On the other hand, many parents miss the opportunity to receive a good education for different reasons. When their children encounter difficulties in learning, tutoring is the only solution.

Because tutoring is usually one-to-one, he clearly knows the strengths and weaknesses of students, but every coin has two sides. Although the above view sounds reasonable, others hold a negative attitude It takes up so much time for students that they can hardly find enough time for rest and entertainment. For another child, it is essential for their physical and mental health.

Some teachers are busy shuttling around a family However, in my opinion, the children's ability to learn can only be improved when they are too dependent on tutors, Our generation can grow up healthily.





3:旅游景点调查报告,As a middle school student, we have studied for a long time at a time, under great pressure. It's important for us to relax after school. Through the survey, I found that most girls like shopping because they feel relaxed.

They are born to evaluate the new fashions that appear in shopping malls every day. Some girls like dancing and can dance all the time. On the other hand, they are more interested in outdoor activities, such as football, basketball and other sports.

They think that doing these activities can activate them Muscles to help them get rid of stress. For all students, listening to music is also a good way to relax. Now we have MP IPod, even your mobile phone can play music, download your favorite music from the Internet, listen to the beautiful rhythm will make you clear your mind after a boring day's work, there are other options, such as watching movies, playing video games, even walking in the park with your dog.

Students should seize the opportunity to relax after a tense day of class.


作为一个中学生,我们一下子学习了很长时间,压力很大。放学后放松一下对我们来说很重要。通过调查,我发现大多数女孩喜欢购物,是因为她们觉得自己很放松,她们生来就是为了评估那些每天出现在购物中心的新时尚,还有一些女孩喜欢跳舞,可以一直跳下去另一方面,他们更热衷于户外活动,如足球、篮球和其他运动,他们认为做这些活动可以激活肌肉,从而帮助他们摆脱压力,对所有学生来说,听音乐也是一个很好的放松方式,现在我们有mp iPod,即使是手机也可以播放音乐,从网上下载你最喜欢的音乐,听优美的节奏会让你在一天的乏味工作后头脑清醒,还有其他选择,比如看电影,玩电子游戏,甚至和你的小狗在公园里散步,学生们应该在紧张的一天课后,抓住机会放松一下。


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