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关于”整理我的卧室“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Tidy up my bedroom。以下是关于整理我的卧室的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Tidy up my bedroom

A bad beginning makes a bad ending. A bad Bush is better than an open field. A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.

A bad conscience is a snake in the heart. A bad habit is like a good cake. A bad padlock invites a pickpocket.

A bad thing never dies. A bad worker quarrels with a tool. Bargaining is a bargain.

One bird in the hand is better than two in the forest. A beggar's purse is a bottomless bird by its own Notes know that a bird may know something from its singing. It is better than a whole day by leaning against the wall and imagining that this is the boundary of the world.

The blind will not thank you for a mirror. Today, as in the past, a book will never change. A book is just a building block.

A borrowed cloak can't keep a warm parting. It can sharpen love A cat looked at the candlelight, a cat's existence, not afraid at all, a cat itself is not afraid.




① "What are the reasons for the large increase in antisocial behaviour and disrespect for others today? What measures can be taken to reduce the problem. "" antisocial behavior "" lack of respect for others. "" antisocial behavior "refers to the lack of consideration of others, whether intentional, may cause harm to society, or through negligence, rather than prosocial behavior, which is helpful or beneficial to society (Berger Air travel can only benefit the richest people in the world.

Ordinary people can't get any benefits from the development of air travel. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 1. Many people think that protecting the environment is very important, but they don't try to do it themselves.

Why does it happen? How to solve this problem? Why? Many people are optimistic about the century, To what extent do you agree or disagree with their optimism? What changes do you want to see in the new century.


① “今天,反社会行为和不尊重他人的现象大量增加,其原因是什么?可以采取什么措施来减少这个问题”“反社会行为”“缺乏对他人的尊重”“反社会行为是指缺乏对他人的考虑,无论是有意为之,都可能对社会造成损害的行为或者由于疏忽,而不是亲社会行为,有助于或有益于社会的行为(Berger p“②”航空旅行只能造福于世界上最富有的人普通人无法从航空旅行的发展中获得任何好处你在多大程度上同意或不同意“①许多人认为保护环境非常重要,但他们自己却没有努力做到这一点为什么会发生怎样解决这个问题“为什么”②许多人对世纪持乐观态度,认为这是一个对世界作出积极改变的机会你在多大程度上同意或不同意他们的乐观态度你希望在新世纪看到什么样的变化。


tidy['taɪdɪ]['taɪdi]adj vt vi n n(tidy PEN Tidy looks neat and tidy, Kitty's edge is neat and tidy, her work is very neat and tidy, her writing is neat and tidy, and she tidies up the room before the guests arrive. The room is very small but neat. He has saved a considerable amount of money for his retirement.

Let me say that it has never been like this. Therefore, it is very important to design a clear and tidy form.


tidy['taɪdɪ]['taɪdi]adj vt vi n n(tidy PEN tidy整理看起来整洁整洁猫咪边缘整洁工作非常整洁整洁整洁书写整洁整洁整洁在客人到达之前整理房间房间房间很小但很整洁他为他的退休存了一笔可观的钱让我说它从来都不是这样的因此,设计一个清晰整洁的表格是至关重要的。


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