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关于”寒假的烦恼“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Winter vacation troubles。以下是关于寒假的烦恼的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Winter vacation troubles

Since I went to high school, I have a lot of troubles. On the one hand, my study pressure is very big. I have to take exams every month.

Once I fall behind other students, I will feel that I am not doing well. I always want to be the best, but things can't develop in my direction. I don't want to talk to my parents.

If they ask me, I don't need to use my body to adapt to mine Emotional changes, I don't need to use my body to adapt to my emotions, I don't need to use my emotions to adapt to their changes.




2:寒假烦恼,I'm a happy girl, I always smile, but sometimes when I fail the exam and fall behind other students, I feel dissatisfied with myself. I think I can do better. When I do something that makes my parents angry, I get angry with myself.

These uneasy moments help me grow up.




3:寒假的烦恼,As a good student, I have a very good performance, which is also my first regret: entering high school is the key point. I know this very well, so I don't mind that I don't have time to play. But my mother and father arrange a lot of sports for me every day.

Even if there are some minor defects, I can understand their hope, but I am not a tool. I need test

2: in the teacher It seems that good grades are very important. You should keep good grades, but at the same time, you should also have good performances.

If you make a small mistake, your good performance will produce a third: "he is a good result point" and "watch the children are using his power". I often hear these words. I just want to ask: it is a sin to perform well, dear students, we fight for ourselves fairly, You just don't do it.

Why do you curse? Why can you help me get rid of my pain.





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