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关于”中美电影的差异“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Differences between Chinese and American films。以下是关于中美电影的差异的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Differences between Chinese and American films

The Chinese said, "I'll pay the price" American go, "we'll pay each other." the Chinese said, "you flatter me" American go, "thank you." the Chinese said, "thank you, I'll open American go later." let's open "Chinese say," I'd like to go to the United States "and we'll go to China," the Chinese said, "let's catch up with the United States Chinese go, "let's keep

1." the Chinese say, "I want to find a job in the United States." the Americans go, "we go to Africa." the Chinese say, "I have to do my homework all day." the Americans go, "I text my friends." the Chinese say, "Oh, my God, they don't cut beef, they just make beef," the Chinese say, "they eat lettuce" American food, "sweet." Heart, this is salad. "The Chinese say," why do you have Christmas? "The Americans say," why do you celebrate the Chinese new year? ".




2:,The main difference between Chinese and American food culture is that in China, everyone has his own dish. In China, if there is a Chinese host to treat you, the dishes will be put on the table for everyone to share and prepare a ton of food. Chinese people are very proud of their food culture.

They will try their best to let you taste many different types of cousins among friends, such as If they invite people out to dinner, they only order enough food for the people there. This relationship is polite to semi polite. Then, they usually order one more dish than the guests (for example, four people, five dishes).

If it is a business dinner or a very formal occasion, it is likely that there will be a large amount of food. It is impossible to finish a typical meal, starting with some cold dishes, such as boiled peanuts and Garlic, cucumber, main course, hot meat and vegetables, finally soup, and then starch "staple", usually rice or noodles, sometimes dumplings. Many Chinese people end up eating rice (or noodles or other things), but if you like to eat rice with other dishes, you should say so early http://wwwuuuubuycom/html/dianzishangwulonwen/mianfeilun wendaquan///html.


中美饮食文化差异中美饮食习惯的主要区别在于,在中国,每个人都有自己的一盘菜,在中国,如果有中国主人款待你,菜就摆在桌上,大家分享,准备好一吨的食物中国人对他们的饮食文化非常自豪,他们会尽最大努力让你在朋友中尝到许多不同类型的表亲,如果他们请人出去吃饭,他们只会为那里的人点足够的菜,这种关系是礼貌到半礼貌的,然后,他们通常会比客人多点一道菜(如四个人,五道菜如果是商务晚餐或非常正式的场合,很可能会有大量的食物不可能吃完一顿典型的饭菜,从一些凉菜开始,比如煮花生和蒜茸黄瓜主菜,热肉和蔬菜,最后是汤,然后是淀粉质的“主食”,通常是米饭或面条,有时是饺子,许多中国人最后吃米饭(或面条或其他什么的),但如果你喜欢把米饭和其他菜肴一起吃,你应该这么早说网址:http://wwwuuuubuycom/html/dianzishangwulonwen/mianfeilun wendaquan///html。


3:中美电影的差异,In China's education system, seven-year-old children begin to go to school. At this stage, they complete primary school for six years. They teach basic knowledge of language and science, which is the basis of their continuing education in primary schools.

They do not go through any courses in junior high school. The examination education at this level is comprehensive and lasts for three years. After the end of junior high school education, children learn basic Chinese English, mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Through the examination, students can be screened in two ways: one is to go to university, the other is to go to vocational school. Senior high school education needs several years, and professional school needs

2 to

1 year. High school graduates must take competitive examinations before they enter university.

University education lasts until to obtain a bachelor's degree. Students take four-year courses and pass thesis defense. Master students have two years of study and research work, and are awarded a degree after thesis defense.





标签: 小学 作文 中美 满分 差异

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