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关于”机器的用途“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Purpose of the machine。以下是关于机器的用途的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Purpose of the machine

Water is very important today. It is used for drinking. Plants and animals need water.

And water is also used to wash at home. We can't live without water. There is very little water in the world.

Some water has been polluted by people. Polluted water is harmful to plants and can't be drunk by people and animals. It is very important to make full use of water.

We must not allow water to be wasted immediately.





2:机器的用途,You can call someone, you can send and receive messages, you can use it as a flash to locate the keyhole, etc. in the dark, you can play games, you can use it as a watch, you can use it as a stopwatch, you can use it as an alarm clock, you can use it as a timer, you can use it as a camera if you have such facilities A personal phone book, you can use it as a calculator, you can use it as a pad to write down some addresses, or some of these phones also have transistor radios, and you can get newsletters.




3:机器的用途,Now, our life is getting better and better, and computers are getting better and better. We can do a lot of things through computers, for example, watching news at home and abroad, getting information, sending e-mail and phone calls, listening to music, watching sports games, distance courses, reading various books, self-learning English, shopping, chatting, etc. computers are very useful to us.

We can do a lot of things with it Life is full of happiness.




标签: 八级 英文 作文 真题

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