
作者:用户投稿 阅读:862 点赞:0




Dear YY, I know I promised to attend your party, but I have to say sorry to you, because I just realized that I promised QQ to his / her party before you, I said I would attend your party, please don't be angry, it's all my fault, XX.



万能作文模板 your sincerity, Li Ming.


① you have asked me for my suggestions, and I will put forward some useful suggestions here;

② in my humble opinion, you will take the following actions wisely:

③ I hope you will find these suggestions useful, and I will be ready to discuss further details of this matter with you




3:建议,Dear principal, I am a student of class

7, grade

2 of our school. I am writing this letter to share some suggestions with you. We know that learning is the most important task for senior high school students, so it is necessary for us to spend most of our time on study, and proper rest is also necessary for us.

However, in our school, we only have a short night to travel, which I think It's not good for us. I did a survey in the school and collected the ideas about more rest every week. Almost all the students think that they need more time to rest and relax.

Therefore, according to the opinions of our students, I suggest to arrange one afternoon and one night for students to have a good rest. Proper rest can help students better concentrate on their study. I'm glad you took your advice, kanny.


尊敬的校长,我是我校xx年级七班的学生,我写这封信是为了和大家分享一些建议,我们知道学习是高中生最重要的任务,所以我们有必要把大部分时间花在学习上,适当的休息对我们来说也是必要的,但是在我们学校,我们只有一个短暂的夜晚去旅行,这我认为这对我们不好。我在学校做了一项调查,收集了关于每周多休息的想法,几乎所有的学生都认为他们需要更多的时间来休息和放松,因此,根据我们学生的意见,我建议给学生安排一个下午和一个晚上,让他们好好休息,适当的休息可以帮助学生更好地集中精力学习。我很高兴你能接受你的建议,坎尼 。


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