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关于”励志的人“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:An inspirational person。以下是关于励志的人的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An inspirational person

The pain of the past is happiness. Everything is difficult. Nothing is impossible before they are easy.

A living heart. There is hope. I feel strongly that I can make it better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

The shortest answer is to make four short words to sum up what is the most successful person higher than the crowd: a definition of madness "Crazy" stands for The human spirit of surpassing oneself represents the single-minded pursuit of dreams, the wholehearted devotion to work, and the passion to achieve your goals once you have this craziness. You can achieve anything you want to do, let alone learn English Time, forget the time that you have failed, but don't forget the victory you won, the misfortune you suffered, but don't forget when your luck turns better, forget your lonely days, but don't forget the friendly smile you see, forget those seemingly unsuccessful plans, but don't forget that there is always a dream attacking me, hurting me, torturing me, humiliating me, maltreating me, persecuting me The tempest makes me pay the price, let me fall to the bottom, you make me full of fighting spirit, you let me grit my teeth, you let me make up my mind to completely remodel myself you make me stronger you make me stronger a real man you are my happiest memory I owe you all my life I am not a man I want to rebuild my dignity and honor I want to rebuild my life http://snowlongboghexunco/dhtml.




If you are a person who is eager to surpass the ordinary, you must have realized by now that there will always be people who envy or hate your success if you are one, it doesn't mean that you have made great sacrifice in achieving your goals, and "haters" will always find reasons to criticize or even condemn you; they are those who hate you, they envy your pride in yourself and the recognition of others, they can't bear your happiness, satisfaction and achievement of goals. Individuals are not willing to do what you do, and they seldom agree with you They hate your success, but they are too lazy or spoiled, and they have no time or energy to pursue their goals. Indeed, even if we put in time, we may not always succeed.

The result of hard work can never be guaranteed. There is always a way to throw curveballs at us in life. I like Tina very much Fey) went to get her Golden Globe Award, held it high and said, "this is for all haters." she is a good example of genius.

If hard-working and successful people get too much negative news, Ms. Fei may be surrounded by enemies, but she refuses to let them get close to her. What you need to know about these haters is that the only reason they do this is because you have what they want, but they are not willing to work for it.

You are sure that you are lucky, or you have some unfair advantage, but the fact is that your success comes from your unremitting efforts, which bring you luck.


如果你是一个渴望超越平凡的人,那么你现在一定已经意识到,总会有人嫉妒或憎恨你的成功 如果你是一,也不是说你在实现目标上做出了巨大的牺牲,“憎恨者”总会找到批评甚至谴责你的理由;他们是那些憎恨你的人,他们嫉妒你对自己的自豪感和别人对你的认可,他们无法忍受你的快乐、满足和实现目标个人不愿意做你所做的工作,他们很少做出同样的牺牲,也很少投入漫长而艰苦的时间,他们憎恨你的成功,但他们太懒惰或被宠坏了,没有时间或精力去追求自己的目标 的确,即使我们投入时间,我们也不一定总能成功努力的结果永远无法保证,生活总有向我们扔曲线球的方式 我很喜欢蒂娜·菲(Tina Fey)去拿她的金球奖,高举着金球奖说:“这是给所有的仇恨者准备的”她是一个很好的天才榜样,努力工作和成功的人如果受到过多的负面新闻,费女士可能会被仇视者包围,但她拒绝让他们接近她。关于这些仇视者,你需要知道的是,他们这样做的唯一原因是你拥有他们想要的东西,但他们不愿意为此付出努力你确信自己很幸运,或者你有一些不公平的优势,但事实是你的成功源于你不懈的努力,正是这些努力给你带来了“幸运”。


The best way to deal with haters is what I call "one on two punches". First of all, don't let them think that you are happy with your success and proud of your achievements. Let those who affirm and support you recognize and recognize them.

Never doubt that you should get all this. Haters are angry, jealous people, and their ideas and what they say are meaningless in the end. Secondly, the more the hater harasses you, the more you should motivate you to succeed.

They want to destroy you, but your response should be to work harder to improve your level of success. When your reaction to their hostility motivates you to achieve more, if you succeed, you have turned the negative emotions of your enemies into fuel for your creative flame, and they will not hurt you You, and inadvertently motivate you to a higher level.




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