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关于”教育中存在的问题“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Problems in Education。以下是关于教育中存在的问题的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Problems in Education

Dalian is located in the southern tip of Northeast China, bordering on the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea in the west, facing Shandong Peninsula across the sea in the South and connecting with the north and northeast of the mainland. It is a peninsula surrounded by three sides. There are three peninsulas in China, Shandong Peninsula, Leizhou Peninsula and Liaodong Peninsula.

The reason why Liaodong Peninsula is referred to here as Liaodong Peninsula is that it is a peninsula city with the characteristics of marine climate Dalian has become the ideal summer resort awarded to Dalian by the United Nations in June. It is the second "world environment" city in China and Asia. Jiang Yu said that Dalian is the "Pearl of the north".

The director of the National Tourism Administration went to Dalian to locate the "romantic" beautiful seaside.




2:教育问题,My name is Zhang. I'm a Chinese student from the vocational education center. Recently, you read an article in the newspaper about rural children dropping out of school.

In January, you wrote a letter to the editor about the reasons for rural children's dropping out of school and their own views. The main reason for the poverty in the family is that every child has one I am willing to donate my pocket money to the children in the community.




3:教育中存在的问题,From the picture, we can see a family of three walking on the long red carpet we can see a family of three walking on a long red carpet. Sweating is a common phenomenon in today's society. Children are the focus of the family and shoulder the hope of their parents.

Parents arrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for the success of their children. As a result, children are too dependent on their parents and have no independent ideas and creativity. In my opinion, a situation Parents should encourage them to overcome difficulties and encourage them to develop themselves.

Only in this way can they grow up independently and truly succeed.


:铺路从图片中,我们可以看到一家三口走在长长的红地毯上 从图片中我们可以看到一个三口之家走在长长的红地毯上



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