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关于”怎样赞扬他人“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:How to praise others。以下是关于怎样赞扬他人的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to praise others

When we are in need of friendship, it is important for us to help others and make us feel warm when we are in need of helping others.




2:如何赞美他人,As human beings, we have been communicating with all kinds of dolphins all our life. But just because we have been communicating for a long time does not mean that we are always successful, nor that we can not improve our communication skills. Here are some useful suggestions to help you improve your communication skills.

First of all, listen to others You should spend more time listening to others than boasting that some of us are very centered, which means that if you spend too much time talking about yourself, then you need to focus on yourself. People around you may think you are a boring person, so the best way is to think about our friends Think and feel, try to be a good listener. When you express yourself, think carefully before you really say it.

Make the message appropriate to others. When you send a message, it is not enough to just keep sensitive and accurate understanding of others. In order to achieve your communication goal, you will choose the best way and respond to others, but this does not mean saying one thing The unethical words that the audience wants to hear, adapting the information appropriately to others means carefully editing and shaping your answers so that others can understand your message and achieve your goals.

But equally important is to try to explain the nonverbal information that we all know. Unspoken information can express powerful thoughts or emotions, and has a greater influence than human beings You should try to observe other people's facial expressions or movements and respond to them correctly. You can see emotions or attitudes when a gesture stops.

Be sensitive and appropriate to explain others. Most people need to learn from the experience of communication rules. If you have enough patience and determination, you can also do this by observing and interacting with others.




3:怎样赞扬他人,We know that students should learn how to get along with others, but first of all, we should respect others, everyone has their own way of doing things, so we should understand each other, communicate with each other, share our happiness and sadness, and more importantly, if we live in school dormitories, we should treat others kindly and provide necessary help for those in need We should pay attention not to disturb others, do not take friends back to the dormitory in the middle of the night, because all roommates are sleeping, or playing computer games, and the sound is loud. Such behavior will hurt the relationship between you and your roommate. I think we should be honest with others, try not to disturb others, do not offend others, only in this way can we and others and other people Get along well.




标签: 高分 三年级 作文 年级

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