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关于”人生道路上的选择“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Choices on the road of life。以下是关于人生道路上的选择的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Choices on the road of life

I've never really found a place I call home. I've never stayed here so long that I apologize again for not being in love, but I don't mind that your heart is not completely broken. It's just an idea.

If my life is rented, and I don't learn to buy things, what should I get, because I don't have anything real, I always thought I would like to live by the sea, travel around the world alone and live a simpler life. I don't know what happened to that dream, because there is really nothing here that can stop me, but I think, there is only one idea. If my life is rented, and I don't learn to buy things, I should get more, because I have nothing that really belongs to me; if my life is rented, I shouldn't get more than I get, because I have nothing The real me, my heart is a shield, I will not let it down, when I am so afraid of failure, so I will not even try hard, how can I say I love, if my life is rented, I don't learn to buy, what I should get is only what I get, because I have nothing really mine; if my life is rented, I don't learn to go Buy, I should get more than I get, because I have nothing real, because I have nothing is real, everything I have is not mine.




Divide these three sentences into three paragraphs to write a composition. Your writing part should be no less than the words "the way to success". Everyone tries to succeed in his career.

Strong will, persistence and diligence are the three elements of success. I believe in the road to success. Everyone wants to succeed in his own business, but one person finally achieves his goal, while the other fails.

Why is he To stick to his cause through a long and arduous struggle, another kind of person is easy to be disappointed and give up halfway. Strong will, perseverance and diligence are the three elements of success. A strong willed and persistent person always has an indomitable spirit.

No matter how hard Mr. Sun Zhongshan is, many of his attempts have failed, but he insists firmly His goal finally succeeded in overthrowing the political science of Qing Dynasty, and Su Qin stabbed himself in order to concentrate on his study. Mark often works a short day.

We have too much to do. No one can achieve anything without diligence. I believe that where there is a will, there is a way, and success belongs to those who have suffered and worked hard for a long time.


把这三句话分成三段来写一篇作文你的写作部分应该不少于单词ԡ成功之道ԡ每个人都试图在事业上取得成功 坚强的意志,坚持和勤奋是成功的三要素我相信成功之路每个人都想在自己的事业上取得成功,但是一个人最终实现了目标,而另一个人却失败了为什么他要通过长期的艰苦斗争把自己的事业坚持到底,但另一种人很容易失望,半途而废;坚强的意志、毅力和勤奋是成功的三要素一个意志坚强、坚忍不拔的人总是有一种不屈不挠的精神,无论孙中山先生是一个多么艰难的人,他的许多尝试都失败了,但他坚定地坚持自己的目标,最终成功地推翻了清朝勤政治学,苏秦为了专心学习而刺伤了自己。马克常常一天工作的时间很短,我们有太多的事情要做,没有勤奋就没有人能取得任何成就。我相信在哪里有志者事竟成,而成功属于那些长期忍受痛苦和不懈努力的人。


Road safety now, many people die because of traffic accidents. Road safety has attracted many people's attention. Many rules are designed to reduce such accidents.

But in my opinion, these rules have not played a very good role. In our daily life, when we walk on the street, we should pay great attention to road safety, we must walk in and we must learn In addition, in order to protect themselves, car drivers should abide by the traffic rules, which is good for themselves and others. Road safety is a big problem that we should pay special attention to.

After all, life is not a small matter.




标签: 英文 八年级 作文 人生 满分

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