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关于”什么的调查“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:What kind of investigation。以下是关于什么的调查的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What kind of investigation

Spring is a pleasant season. The temperature is moderate. The trees and flowers in full bloom make the city full of colors.

This is when we can start to wear lighter and more colorful clothes. When we go to outdoor activities, younger children like to take kites to the spacious square. I also like to go back to the village this holiday to spend the winter month.

Summer is a good season for all outdoor sports. This is a football season, because it is very popular, it is often called the national sport. I usually watch TV in the summer and read the newspaper reports about the results of minor league football.

I like to go to the beach often because it's very close to me. After a few months of school in the city, I usually go there to relax during the summer vacation. I feel comfortable with the quiet life that the villagers are familiar with.

For me, autumn or autumn is when school starts in September. I usually go shopping. The mild weather makes it very good to study under the trees outside.

In a small park near my home, I like to see the colors of the leaves from green to red, yellow to brown. There are many bright autumn flowers in the park. On weekends, I saw a little squirrel come down from a tree and forage on the ground.

Sometimes I like to fly kites. Usually on the street corner, you can see street vendors selling hot baked sweet potatoes. This is a good time of the year.

Winter is very cold and windy in most parts of China. I usually look forward to Spring Festival and winter vacation. Then I can go to places with warmer climate in the south.

I also look forward to seeing these holidays My grandparents and my friends in winter is a time when everyone in the city has a festival atmosphere. Because of the cold outside, I usually read books at home.







I want to live with a warm enough company, do not need too much material, as long as the standard of living is stable, when I am a person, refuse to admit strangers, the bone is a modest and simple person, instinctively exclude some stubborn, willful, sharp, irrational contradictions, but I do not want to face, always feel strong, but also have unexpected weakness, i At that time, heartache may be everyone is very cold, so both men and women are eager for warmth, but the warmth is so little, closer to a more thorough past. When we exhausted all our efforts and passion, we have been completely disappointed for a long time, all the regrets have disappeared, all the feelings are going to die, we can only use the ordinary heart to drive the feelings to fall with the wind, we are not a leaf In the wind, brave to fly forward, but drift with the wind, drift to where.




I like to live an unrestricted life. I can do whatever I want to do back to my high school life. My parents are very strict with me.

I need their permission to do something. You can write in more detail and compare the past and present life to make it different. It is better to set an example to make the ideas you support more powerful.).




标签: 初三 英文 作文 真题

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