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关于”介绍某一个学校“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Introduce a school。以下是关于介绍某一个学校的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce a school

My best friend, I have a beautiful girlfriend. Her Chinese name is Yuxi. She comes from a beautiful country in China.

This year, she is very young. She studies in Anyuan school. Her grade and study are very good.

She is good at English, Chinese and computer. She likes drawing and reading some books. She is kind and friendly.

She's lovely and beautiful. We always stay together and play together. She's my wild animal friend.




Today, we have a new classmate in our class. Her name is Lucy. She comes from Australia.

Changjuan finds that she lives on Wenfeng Road and walks to school every day. She has a wide range of interests, such as reading books, playing the piano and swimming. Her English scores are better than mathematics and Physics.

We can help each other.




This is Beijing. It has a population of 14 million in the north of China. It is very big.

There is a very famous Great Wall in Beijing. It is about 6700 square kilometers. There is a famous square in the center of Beijing.

It is very beautiful. Its Tiananmen Square. I like Beijing to go to Beijing one day.




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