
作者:用户投稿 阅读:38 点赞:0




Family means a lot to me. I have a big family, because my mother and my father have many brothers and sisters living in this big family. I feel love all the time.

We care about each other every week. My family will have a party. We will do some activities, so that we can keep close contact.

It is very important to keep in touch with our family Because we are usually busy with our own affairs, if we do not make an appointment, we will not be able to see my family. We keep the tradition of weekly party. Sometimes we will have a big dinner, sometimes we will go to barbecue.

These activities help us to maintain a close relationship. We have a common view. Parents are talking about their work and children play Have a good time.

Family gatherings are a good way to keep in touch. I love when we meet in one place, and communication can help us solve isolated problems.




Today is Sunday. I'm very happy, because we had a big meeting in our family. We went to the park to have barbecue.

We called our relatives to attend. It was a good party. Because the family hadn't been together for a long time, my father decided to let everyone unite in the park.

I played with my cousins. When we went to the park, my parents were barbecue, My parents are very tired to talk about our daily activities with my parents. I hope that I can share more time with my parents in my family.




Nowadays, Chinese parents pay more attention to the cultivation of one-child than ever before. Children in many cities have tutors. More and more children have to learn a lot before going to school.

This is mainly because parents want their children to become valuable people or live better when they grow up. Only child families have more money and energy to pay for family education than before 。 Family education has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that children can learn and develop a certain ability as soon as possible, which may make them successful, and may also make them superior to other children in knowledge.

There are two reasons: one is that too much family education will make children lose interest in learning; the other is that children's time for playing games or doing things they like will be reduced, which is conducive to shaping children's character Harm, family education should have appropriate quantity and scope, too much or too little family education will cause great harm to children.




标签: 高三 作文 万能

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