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关于”以说谎为话题“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Talk about lying。以下是关于以说谎为话题的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Talk about lying

I still remember clearly, when I had a wonderful dream in my heart, but with the growth of my age, I gradually found that the dream was on the rugged road, too many stumbling blocks became the reason for my half way, the dream became fragmented, I was a failure of a dreamer, when the sun rose, I stood quietly, looking at the first ray of sunshine in the morning sun, asked yourself many times: so far away Far for their own dream, you insist on it once again query, heart fluttering once red, alone, looking up at the sky, since ancient times, how many people adhere to their dreams, successful, how many people in the dream of the journey, did not stand up, how many people have no dream of wandering in the starting line, inferiority makes me dream of reflection: life is a long-lasting war, the winner There are many differences between me and the losers, or more often, they are not the most intelligent opportunities. However, many successful people insist on the time of a year, sometimes a day, and sometimes, just after I wake up, I still clearly remember that I have a wonderful dream in mind, but with the growth of age, I gradually found that the dream on the rugged road, too many stumbling blocks have become my half way Reason, dream has become fragmented, I am a failure of a dreamer, when the sun rises, I stand quietly, looking at the first ray of sunshine in the morning, many times ask yourself: so far away to make a dream for yourself, you insist on it once again, doubt again, heart red, alone, looking up at the sky, since ancient times, how many people adhere to their dreams, How many successful people have been in the dream journey, did not stand up, how many people did not dream of hovering on the starting line, self abased in my dream to reflect on the senses: life is a protracted war, there are many differences between winners and losers, or more often than not, it is not the most intelligent opportunity in the mind, but many successful people insist on the moment, sometimes a year, sometimes a day, Sometimes, the songs that have just come back to sing praises of the world, but in a dream way, the deaf and dumb Beethoven strangled the fate. Their success is because they do not go further than others.

No matter how far you go, I believe the teacher is teaching: only beautiful life will come out, not until brilliant, as long as the action is effective, if we continue, there will be A miracle from my dream of a new starting line, breaking through their own patch brilliant.




There is a big supermarket near my home. There are many things in it. The waiters are very friendly to everyone.

Supermarkets sell a variety of things, things are very cheap, many students buy school supplies there. Many people buy fruits and drinks there. I like this supermarket.




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Only in this way can we learn English well. You will find learning English interesting and helpful.




标签: 英文 作文 万能 专业 话题

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