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关于”环境描写“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Environmental description。以下是关于环境描写的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Environmental description

① ② My hometown is located in the North China Plain. The famous Grand Canal of China is in the east of our village. This is where my ancestors lived for generations.

When I was a child, I often played with other children beside the canal. I looked at the passing ships. I wanted to travel.

There are many people in the world. There is a pond in our village, which is rich in ③ fish. It is located in front of the village Swimming there in summer and skating in winter.

I spent the happiest days of my childhood in this pond. When spring comes and crops begin to grow, there is a large area of land in the north of our village. In autumn, the crops turn yellow and farmers begin to harvest.

There is an orchard between the canal and our village. A few years ago, there were only a few kinds of trees. Now, farmers have planted many kinds of trees, including peaches, plums, apples and oranges.

The life of most villagers is better, about a quarter of them have bought TV sets and recorders, a reading room and a library. Every night, many young people go to night school to study science and read newspapers. On a summer night, two roads cross in front of our village.

People sit under the trees and enjoy the cool breeze. By the end of last year, the students in our village had graduated from high school and entered the University. This is my hometown.

I hope you can come here one day to visit the Grand Canal of China, the ancestors, the breeze, and the registration.


① ②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨我的家乡位于华北平原,著名的中国大运河①在我们村的东边,这是我的祖先世代居住的地方②我小时候经常和其他孩子在运河边玩耍我看着过往的船只,我想去旅行世界上有很多人在我们村里有一个池塘,盛产着③条鱼,坐落在村子前面,我曾经夏天在那里游泳,冬天滑冰。我童年最快乐的日子就是在这个池塘里度过的。当春天来临,庄稼开始生长时,我们村的北部是一片大片的田地,秋天庄稼变黄,农民们开始收割,运河和我们村之间是一个果园,几年前只有几种树,现在农民们种了很多种,包括桃、李、苹果和橘子。




Carefree, happy, cheerful and contented, the devil's beautiful eyebrows are in high spirits, enjoying themselves, enjoying themselves, feeling the surging emotion, fresh and mild fragrance, elegant colorful flame. The wind blows out gorgeous and luxuriant grass carpet, and many buildings rise from the ground, with convenient transportation, harmonious society and well-off life.




"Car Free Day launched on September 1, a possible version of Car Free Day was launched in our city and other cities to encourage people to take public transport by bike or walk instead of driving a private car. This activity has been supported by all parts of the country, raising the people's awareness of energy conservation and energy conservation. Environmental protection is a real success, because the white pollution caused by waste plastics is becoming increasingly serious.

In China, plastic shopping bags play an important role. Every day, about 3 billion plastic shopping bags are consumed. Fortunately, the government banned the use of plastic shopping bags nationwide Free plastic bags require all stores and supermarkets not to provide free plastic bags to customers after June, which will undoubtedly reduce the use of plastic bags and enhance environmental awareness.

From now on, we should turn to the environmental protection of cloth bags and shopping baskets.




标签: 初二 英文 高分 作文 环境

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