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关于”学习遇到的困难“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Difficulties in learning。以下是关于学习遇到的困难的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Difficulties in learning

A few years ago, I lost my brother in a terrible accident. He was a lovely and handsome boy, but an accident cruelly took his young life. He should have had a bright future and a colorful life.

I was so sad. My spirit collapsed. I didn't know how to express my feelings.

I didn't know how to do it. I couldn't believe it The meeting happened in my heart. I tried to hide my feelings in my heart to prevent others from seeing my sadness.

After learning the bad news, my friend Li Hang came to my house to stay with me. He tried his best to make me happy and forgot the terrible things he said. I still remember what he said.

No matter what happened, I will always be with you. I feel deeply Moved, he sometimes advised me to go out for a walk with him, he just walked quietly beside me. A few days later, when I was at home alone, he lent me his favorite book.

Without his company, I felt much better than before. I couldn't get out of the shadow of loneliness. I didn't want to tell anyone how I felt.

I really appreciate the proverb that a friend in need is a real friend. If two people are really good friends, no matter what happens They should help each other, shoulder to shoulder, and get out of the predicament together.




In my study, I encountered a lot of difficulties, which made me very uneasy, for example: poor handwriting, recitation test, slow exercise, sloppy parents always say my words are not good, I also feel bad, but what should I do? My mother should do more calligraphy, and then she bought a copybook from the bookstore, I saw these transcripts headache, but a few days ago, I really appreciate the fun of writing, That day, Mr. Hou asked us to write a good paragraph on the wall, and the bad one was eliminated. So I went home and wrote a paragraph in black ink, thinking that I would not be put in the election.

The people in the class had selected me. I actually saw that the second line of my writing was pasted on the fourth line. I felt that it was not so difficult to write, and it was also difficult to recite.

I often forgot the next sentence by heart and often stuck in the sixth section In class, I have three hours (or the reason for the first three paragraphs is not that my mother's requirements are also very high, and a word is not unjust. My mother asked me to read it several times when endorsing, but I didn't listen to it. So when I made a mistake, I started to procrastinate.

Now I'm careless when I listen to my mother. It's the best exam and practice in the class. It's easy to be careless I do not lack words, is a wrong character, is wrong, I do not know how many points wrong, from now on, I must be careful, careful, careful, get rid of the bad habit of rash, my examination and practice can ensure that this is the difficulty I encountered in learning.




How do I overcome the difficulties in English learning like other English learners? First of all, I encountered many difficulties in learning English. I found it difficult to understand what I read because most English words have more than one meaning. In addition, I find it difficult to write in authentic English and translate Chinese into authentic English.

I can't express myself orally in English because I don't have the opportunity to communicate with native speakers of English. Although I often read aloud aloud, this is not an effective way to improve my oral English. However, I am not discouraged to eliminate these obstacles.

First of all, I will solve English from two aspects Second, I try to improve my oral English by listening to English radio and writing English compositions. The results show that this is the difficulty of effective learning.




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