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关于”读书要有选择“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:There should be a choice in reading。以下是关于读书要有选择的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:There should be a choice in reading

Some people think that a person should have a lot of work to do, some people think that a person should have a lot of entertainment. In my opinion, work and entertainment are an indispensable part of a person's life. People can't work without games.

It's so tearful that people can't play all the time. This is a waste of life. So I think one should work on weekdays and get tired Play so that you can enjoy a colorful life and realize yourself in the world.




What is your choice? Maybe each of us has his own choice. Some people think we should read selectively because there are so many books to read and thousands of new books are published every day. How can we cover all these books in a limited time? In addition, not all books are worth reading for some people.

On the contrary, they choose to read widely. They think that extensive reading can broaden their horizons. They can learn about their ancestors through extensive reading.

They can understand great people. Extensive reading can also make us adapt to the rapid development of society. Because we live in a knowledge explosion society, if we do not read widely, we can We can't get enough information about the modern world.

We can't keep up with the pace of society. I think we should read selectively and extensively through extensive reading. We can enrich our knowledge in all aspects through selective reading.

In future work, we can concentrate on learning the academic knowledge we need.




Read books selectively or extensively. When children are six years old, they need to go to school to complete compulsory education. People admit that reading more can make people acquire more knowledge and broaden their horizons, but some people think that selective reading is right.

Both of them have their own advantages. Books selectively help people get the details of books. It takes a lot of time to read a book, let alone study it.

If people choose the book to read, they can have more time Study the details so that they can enjoy the books and learn more about the purpose of the authors. Reading books extensively can make people know more about books. People can have the gist of the book, know what the author wrote.

The more you read, the more you learn. If you read all the books, you won't be afraid to travel around the world for me. I think people should do their best in the first place Maybe they read more books.

When they start to choose a major, they should read selectively so that they can have more time to learn a book.




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