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关于”介绍旅游时住的房间“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Introduce the rooms you live in during your trip。以下是关于介绍旅游时住的房间的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce the rooms you live in during your trip

I have a small room of my own, decorated with posters of teenage idols. There is a table and a chair in front of the window. I spend a lot of time studying there.

I have a bookshelf in the corner. It gets heavier and heavier month after month because I like to buy books, some of which I haven't even read, but at least there. Anyway, there are three thirds of my life More than one time is spent in my comfortable bed, I like my room, I prefer to stay in it rather than go out.




My dream room is soft and light colored, which makes me comfortable. Maybe I have some dolls on my bed, and they can take me to their world. When I'm asleep, they can take me to their world.

There's a table under the window so I can do my homework. There's a lot of pictures hanging on the wall. When I'm with the kids, they remember My happy memory although my dream is very small, but it is warm enough.




My bedroom is a fashion area. Let me show you the entertainment you can show. Then you can go from front to back, right to left, left to right.

After that, you can write down your hobbies, so who and what do you like, on the wall or bookshelf, etc.




标签: 专升本 英文 作文 真题 介绍

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