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关于”人们的交流方式“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The way people communicate。以下是关于人们的交流方式的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The way people communicate

The influence of the Internet on people's way of communication, the Internet has indeed had such a profound impact on our life. It has completely changed people's way of life and way of thinking, as this picture subtly reveals. Two parents are sitting in front of the computer, chatting with their children on the Internet.

This is a meaningful picture for me. Because electronic communication can never replace parent-child communication, electronic communication can never replace parent-child communication. More importantly, face-to-face communication is more important than face-to-face communication It is conducive to the construction of a harmonious society, because it pays more attention to people's emotions, rather than convenience and quickness.

Therefore, it is necessary for us, after all, that the invention of the Internet is to connect you and me, to bring convenience to our life, rather than to set obstacles so that people can't contact. If we want to maintain our interpersonal relationship more effectively, in real life, we should spend money More time to communicate with them face to face, so that we can not only make full use of the communication tools on the Internet, but also make our relationship closer.




It can be seen from the table that the way people spend their holidays has changed a lot during the year, and the proportion of travelling abroad and camping is also increasing steadily. From to, although the time spent at home and going to the seaside is decreasing year by year, why can people now afford to travel? People prefer to pursue high quality and colorful life, so we can see that people's living standard has been greatly improved%%%%% 9%.




Obviously, if we are to participate in the society we live in, we have to communicate with others. A lot of communication is carried out on a personal basis through simple language means. If we travel by bus, shop in a store, or eat in a restaurant, we are likely to provide information or opinions in conversation, receive information, news or comments, and most likely our views will be challenged by other members of society.

Face to face contact is by no means the only form of communication. In the past two hundred years, the art of mass communication has become one of the leading factors in contemporary society. Two things, especially other things, have led to the communication industry.

First, invention and creation have brought progress in printing, telecommunications, photography, radio and television. Second, speed has completely changed the way of communication transmission and reception, making local news often lag behind national news, while domestic news itself is almost covered up by international news. In the last century, the rich with their own library only had information from a few people.

This is indeed lucky, but today there are public libraries. Many years ago, people often flocked to the cinema, but now more and more people sit at home and turn on TV to watch a program. This program is entering the family communication of thousands of households.

It no longer only focuses on the dissemination of information. Modern communication industry influences people's life style by allowing people access to information and education, and broadens their horizons in printing, broadcasting and advertising It's about information, education and entertainment. Although a large number of materials disseminated by mass media are of great value to individuals and the society to which they belong, the huge modern communication network is open, and the mass media is with us, whether it is good or bad, there is no turning back.






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