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关于”改的方法“的英语句子47个,句子主体:method of change。以下是关于改的方法的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:method of change


1、This article improves the lozenge method to structure odd magic square and proves its improvement.


2、This method can improve the traditional collaborative filtering methods, and can solve the single-interest model problem of traditional methods.


3、The Marquardt method of fitting is improved.


4、The new method uses reference portfolio formed on the base of corporation market value to calculate long-run abnormal returns, uses adjusted-t test or rank test to test abnormal returns.


5、They come together as a community to find ways to improve their method and practice.


6、Constantly reevaluate and tweak your strategies.


7、However, this method does not alter the original tree.


8、Modified sigh is a kind of recruitment maneuvers.


9、Methods:The labelling method is NaIO4-mediated glycoprotein oxidation method.


10、Objective To improve synthetic method of Lansoprazole.


11、Arc-ultrasonic Effect and Property Optimization in Plasma Spraying of TBCs;


12、Mine resources of attapulgite in our country and its modification technologies are introduced, all the modification methods for attapulgite are reviewed, microwave modification is feasibility.

本文介绍的最后一个重构方法也是最难以使用的方法:Change Method Signature(改变方法的签名)。

13、The final refactoring considered here is the most difficult to use: Change Method Signature.


14、A review on research of thermal performance modification of polyetheretherketone(PEEK) was given. The main improving methods of thermal performance of PEEK were summarized.


15、The research methods have developed from quantity, to quality, and the combination of these two, whereas each of them has been improved.


16、This method is a modified model of Statistical Jump Regression Analysis, and also modifies the energy function from L2 to L1.


17、The chemical modification methods are composed of acid-or alkaline hydrolysis, acetylation, hydroxylation, acetylation and hydroxylation, hydrogenation, sulfonation, ethylene oxidation and so on.


18、METHODS: Adjust the previous dosage of menthol and ethanol and the preparation method was shifted to wet-sifting from trituration .


19、If you change the block types and the number of block parts, you should also change this method.


20、It shows, of ammonia nitrogen determination method is improved, prove the improved method is feasible.

21、Succeed to the previous chacter, the application studies of generic methods and tools for quality improvement and commonly used methods in project manufacturing enterprises.对突破性改进、渐进性改进和创新等质量改进方式的改进方法进行研究;

22、A modified templet matching method was proposed.提出了一种改进的模板匹配方法。

23、And it refactors the loadAccessToken() method by simply removing the static modifier to change it from a class method to an instance method.而且它重构 loadAccessToken() 方法的方式是,删除 static 修饰符,将其从类方法更改为实例方法。

24、Experimental results indicate that the proposed method outperforms the IHSmerger, PCA merger, improved IHS merger and improved PCA merger.实验结果表明该方法效果良好,优于传统的以及改进的IHS方法和PCA方法。

25、Methods:Adopt advanced treatment of massage on a certain region.方法:采用改良的推拿法进行区域性针对治疗。

英文句子26:,26、Objective To report some improvement on the blepharoplasty.目的:探讨睑袋成形术中的改进方法。

27、We should improve our studying methods.我们应改学习方法。

28、Methods: ONOO was produced by modified chemical synthesis with a quenched flow reactor.方法:采用改良的淬灭流动反应方法,体外制备ONOO 。

29、The adipic acid′s productinity and purity were increased mostly by changing the oxidizing agent, the catalyzer and the puricatony method.本文报导通过改变催化剂、氧化剂及改进提纯方法提高己二酸的产率和纯度的方法。

30、The integrated empowering method is proposed combining the Delphi method and improved entropy method.提出了德尔菲法与“改进的熵权法”两种方法综合的组合赋权法;

31、OBJECTIVE:To improve the synthesis of aromatic nitriles.目的:改进芳香腈的合成方法。

32、Change in use of specific NSCLC treatments?改变特定的NSCLC治疗方法?

33、The invention provides an ammonium polyphosphate modifying method, which relates to a modifying method.改性聚磷酸铵的方法,它涉及一种改性方法。

34、Global Southern sizing is generally less affected by temperature change, but both methods produce highly precise results.全球南方的方法中,网孔的大小随温度的改变而发生改变,但是这两种方法都产生高精度的结果。

35、Method The reform of Western diagnostics teaching was discussed based on the orientation, content and methods of diagnostics teaching.方法从课程定位、教学内容设置、教学方法改进等方面探讨西医诊断学改革问题。

36、Conclusion:The boiling machine needs further development.结论:煎药机煎药的方法还需进一步改进。

37、Considering the delivery methods, two improved methods:optical tweezing and targeted distribution were introduced furthermore, the possibility and superiority of these two methods were also discussed;就传输方法方面主要介绍了它的两种改进方法:光学钳法和定位传输法以及这两种方法的优越性;

38、method, but just the upcase method returns a copy of the string with case changed.方法修改,但 upcase 方法只返回大小写修改后的字符串副本。

39、The DPZ is also dedicated to the preservation of nonhuman primates by improving methods for the management and breeding of animals in captivity.该中心同样通过改进管理方法和改善关养动物饲养的方法来保护灵长类。

40、These approaches have contributed to a shift away from open defecation, improving sanitation and hygiene.这些方法对于改变随地排便、改善卫生设施和卫生方面起了作用。

41、The comprehensive reform of judgement mode has changed the ex officio doctrine in Chinese judicature tradition.全方位的审判方式改革,改变了中国司法传统中的职权主义模式。 坛。

42、This article sets forth the common defects existing in the current testing methods on concrete permeability and the suggestion and ways to improve.本文阐述了目前混凝土渗透性的测试方法当中存在的共同缺陷,以及渗透性测试方法的改进建议和改进方法。

43、In the article modified methods are summarized, including physical modification, chemical modification, enzymic modification and bioengineering modification.本文介绍了大豆蛋白质的改性方法,包括物理改性、化学改性、酶改性和生物工程改性等。

44、Conclusion The improvement of operative method is reasonable and effective in correcting pectus carinatum.结论改进的手术方法是有效而合理的,较传统方法疗效更佳。

45、Objective To investigate the treatment of square face with compositive methods.目的探讨方脸综合改形的方法。

46、Above are just some of the ways to modify your thinking before you modify your surroundings.上面所说的只是改变你周围环境前改变你想法的几种方法。

47、Now there are more and more methods for the pretreatments, and also more studies on the improvement of the existed methods.目前有越来越多的方法应用于测定方法的前处理上,学者对现有方法也进行了多种的改良。

48、The research topics include approaches of robot's pose tracking, Markov localization, Particle Filter and other improved PF method.其主要内容包括移动机器人的位姿跟踪方法、马尔可夫定位方法、粒子滤波方法及各种粒子滤波改进方法。

49、Methods: Hormone binding assay and gel mobility shift assay were used.方法:用激素结合法和迁移率改变法。

50、Its teaching reform should be embarked on from such four aspects as the renewing of teaching concept, the reform of teaching contents, the renovation of teachin…《思想道德修养与法律基础》课教学改革主要应该从教学观念的更新、教学内容的改革、教学方法的改革以及课程考核方法的改革等四个方面入手。

经典英文句子51:改的方法,51、Methods for the modification of isocyanates include process of urethane, dimerization, trimerization, biuret, carbodiimide, and blocking reaction, etc.异氰酸酯的改性方法包括氨酯改性、二聚改性、三聚改性、 缩二脲改性、 碳化二亚胺改性和封闭改性等。

52、Decorators are methods that modify other methods and return either a method or another callable object.修饰符 是一些方法,这些方法可以修改其他方法并返回一个方法或另外一个可调用对象。

53、Objective Identification of methyl-dopa to improve the methods.目的对甲基多巴鉴别改进方法。

54、The methods for modifying heat resistance of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) resins were reviewed, including blending modification, copolymerization modification and chlorination modification, etc.对聚氯乙烯(PVC)树脂耐热改性方法的研究进行了综述。 PVC树脂耐热改性方法有共混改性、共聚合改性、氯化改性和其他改性。

55、The reformation of examination method is the substantial of the teaching reformatory.考试方法改革是教学改革的重要部分。

56、So this method is better than the ordinary freeze—melt method.初步认为本改良法是一优于传统冻融法的快速简便方法。

57、It also defines methods for component changed and changing events, which are called by the design-time environment when a component is changing or has changed (such as when a property is changed).它还为组件的已更改事件和正在更改的事件定义了方法,当组件正在更改或已经更改时(例如,当属性更改时),这些方法由设计时环境调用。

58、Methods Passing the prescription improvement combines to stay the kind observational.方法:通过处方改进并留样观察。

59、I have ideas for improvements in that area, too.我对那个方面的改进也有想法。

60、With time-frequency reassignment for improving the time-frequency agglomeration of the spectrum, the SNR performance of wavelet-ridge is enhanced.该方法借助于时频重排在改善谱图时频凝聚性方面的优势,使算法的信噪比性能得到有效改善。

61、Again, the reform of the "two courses" assessment method.再次,改革“两课”的考核方法。

62、Changing only one aspect of your site may not guarantee improvement.只更改站点的一个方面可能无法保证得到改善。

63、I can keep the original method code unchanged and just change the method name, then add a new method using the original name.我可以保持原来方法的代码不变,只改变方法名,然后用原来的方法名增加一个新方法。

64、Objective To improve on the method for the determination of lincomycin hydrochloride and lidocaine hydrochloride gel.目的改进林可霉素利多卡因凝胶的含量测定方法。 方法采用高效液相色谱法。

65、Methods The ram orbit was determined by the air track, with the impact direction changed and the precise orientation mode improved.方法:采用气垫导轨固定撞锤轨道,改变撞击方向,改进精确定位方式。

66、METHODS: The operative procedure was improved continuously to explore the effective treatment of ptosis surgery.方法:为探讨上睑下垂术的有效治疗方法,不断改进手术方式。

67、Objective: To improve the method for hemolysin assay.目的:改进溶血素测定方法。

68、An image equalization method modified with bit-rig ht is discussed.探讨了一种改进的直方图均衡化方法。

69、Methods An improved pyrogallol red-molybdate complex method.方法改良邻苯三酚红钼络合法。


标签: 方法

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