满不在乎用英语怎么说 满不在乎英语翻译

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满不在乎用英语怎么说 满不在乎英语翻译

满不在乎翻译为英语通常说作:make nothing of,还可以翻译为 not care a rush,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到56个与满不在乎相关的译文和例句。


1. make nothing of

满不在乎翻译为make nothing of。

示例:“我会好的。”他满不在乎地说道。 'I'll be all right,' he said lightly.


2. not care a rush

满不在乎翻译为 not care a rush 。

示例:他摆出一副满不在乎的样子。 He adopted an air of indifference.


3. not give a damn

满不在乎翻译为not give a damn。

示例:“我无所谓。”他满不在乎地说。 'I don't mind,' he said carelessly.


4. do not mind at all

满不在乎翻译为do not mind at all。

示例:Hey, hey. - Hey, you mind? do you mind?



1. snap their finger(vt. 捻拇指(藐视;


2. snapped her finger(v. 捻拇指(藐视;

3. shrug one's shoulders(耸肩(表示怀疑、满不在乎、无可奈何、憎恨等))

4. with indifference(冷淡地;漠不关心地;满不在乎地)

5. outearns( 不在乎)

英语短语&俚语, nonchalant ( 满不在乎的 )

a casual air ( 满不在乎的态度 )

We don't give a fuuuh-uh-uck ( 我们满不在乎 )

we deny the existence of love ( 却假装满不在乎 )

put a bold face on ( 对装着满不在乎的样子 )

with an assumption of indifference ( 装着满不在乎的样子 )

pay no heed to sb.'s advice ( 对某人的劝告满不在乎 )


1. He did not scruple to use it.

译文:他满不在乎地打算用这笔钱。 。

2. The stone cut their hands and made them bleed, but the men did not worry about that.


3. Time and time again i've said that i don't care


4. He has done something wrong after all, but he still brazened it out and pre-tended that he didn't care either.


5. Mrs. Kent: Ok, ( airily ) Go along to the dance then, but see you behave yourself properly!


6. Events have imbued the Japanese corporate warrior with a new insouciance.


7. With a grimace he disgraced the holy ancestral places.


8. She looked much altered, as i have told you, and i could not detect on her lips her old unconcerned smile.


9. One can always scoff, but what else can a tourist do but weep?

译文:人们依然会满不在乎 然而 面对此情此景 一个游客除了哭泣。

10. The unnamed paparazzo doesn't seem to care about his job, let alone Jarman, saying "i'm only a snapper."

译文:无名的狗仔自己满不在乎,更不用说贾曼,只说:“我只是快照之徒。” 。

11. More and more insensitive, hardened, indifferent and dulled.

译文:变得越来越麻木,冷漠 满不在乎,了无生气。

12. That kind of insouciant attitude is what makes fur fit into modern life.

译文:使皮草融入到现代生活当中的正是那种满不在乎的态度。 。

13. You didn't care. i didn't care.

译文:你不在乎 我不在乎。

14. Your two of a kind, neither of you care about detail nor domestics.


15. i imagine myself indifferent to her but i was only angry and resentful.

译文:我以为自己对她满不在乎 但我只不过是因为恼怒及怨恨。


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