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关于”例句的缩写“的英语句子3个,句子主体:Abbreviation of example sentence。以下是关于例句的缩写的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Abbreviation of example sentence

1、Clearly, the exceptions listed here are specific to the retail industry; other industries are likely to permit other abbreviations. 很明显,这里列出的几个例外是特定于零售业的;其它行业可能允许有其它缩写词。

2、For example, Cassandra is designed specifically to provide linear write scalability across multiple nodes for storing huge quantities of data. 例如,Cassandra 专门用来为存储大量数据提供跨多个节点的线性写入可伸缩性。

3、For example, English to Portuguese is signified by the string abbreviation enep. 例如,通过字符串缩写词 enep 表示由英语翻译到葡萄牙语。

4、Sentences are another memory technique which is similar to acronyms, only this time you make up a sentence using the first letter of each word. 造句是类似于缩写词的另一种记忆技巧,使用每个单词的首字母来造句。

5、More glossaries with collection of blogging terms, acronyms and abbreviations. 更多的写博客术语,只取首字母的缩写词,和缩略词的术语表。

6、First I wrote a test case with an unguarded log statement. 首先用一条未监护的日志语句编写一个测试案例。

7、Abbreviation of Thin Film Transistor. 薄膜晶体三极管的缩写。

8、The act of abridging or the state of being abridged. 缩写的行为或被缩写的状态。

9、However he just wrote nonsense of poems, like English-900 typing. 可自己只会写出《英语九百句》的诗句。

10、When you see the abbreviation SFRS, you'd know this is Swiss Franc:such as. 当你见到SFRS的缩写词,这是瑞士法朗,例如。

11、Esquire can be abbreviated to Esq. Esquire可缩写成Esq.。

12、In the 8 cases, stenosis was found in aortic arch in 4 patients, and in thoracic aorta in 4 patients. 结果8例主动脉缩窄中,主动脉弓缩窄4例,胸主动脉缩窄4例。

13、When the sorting is completed, there will be for each word anywhere from two or three to several hundred quotations, each on its card. 分类完成后,每个词将有数目在两三个到几百个之间的引语(作为例句),每句引语均写在其卡片上。

14、Abbreviations like B.C. and A.D. are usually capitalized. 像B.C.和A.D.这些缩写字一般都要大写。

15、The formations of the new words disscussed here are as follows: abbreviation a new word is formed by abbreviating the initials of some words or phrases; 这些词汇的构成方法有以下几种:缩略法,由一句话或短语中每个词的首字母缩写而成;

16、Write good questions for the answers, like the example. 仿照例句,根据回答写出合适的问题。

17、Indenting the braces and statements. 缩排大括号和语句。

18、In the example above, we use a custom date format, displaying months using 3-letter acronyms. 在上面的例子中,我们使用了一个定制的日期格式,以三个字母的 缩写的形式表示月份。

19、The neurotomies include 11 musculocutaneous nerves, 15 median nerves, 37 tibial nerves, 6 obturator nerves, 11 sciatic nerves, 2 profound peroneal nerves. 共行肌皮神经缩窄11例,正中神经缩窄15例,胫神经缩窄37例,闭孔神经缩窄6例,坐骨神经缩窄11例,腓深神经缩窄2例。

20、If an entity has a defined abbreviation property, the corresponding table is named according to the abbreviation property. 如果一个实体定义了缩写属性,那么对应的表根据缩写属性命名。

21、WAN广域网(Wide Area Network) ABS─防抱死制动系统 ABS英文全称是“AntiLock Brake System”。

22、Indents are used to enhance readability. 多用缩进来提高语句的可读性。

23、Practice writing compound sentences with this compound sentence writing exercise. 利用下面的练习来试着写写复合句。

24、Do not abbreviate, and do spell all words correctly. 不要使用缩写形式,并要保证拼写正确。

25、A long story may be condensed into a few sentences. 一个长篇故事可缩写成几句话。


26、Finally, in frustration, he rewrote the ad, reducing it to a single sentence that I couldnt refute. 终于,出于为难,他重新写了广告,把它缩为一个我无法反驳的句子。

27、You can include descriptions, examples, abbreviations, stewardship, synonyms, and related terms. 您可以包括描述、示例、缩写、管理属性、同义词及相关术语。

28、I will try my best to done in future! 不用写太多,写两zhidao句客气的就行!

29、Ms. Adams: I write sentence to sentence. That's the kind of writer I am. 罗瑞妮·亚当斯:我是一句接一句写的,这是我写作的方式。

30、   EBD/EBV─制动力分配装置 EBD为英文缩写,其全称是“Electric Brake force Distribution”。

31、Sort for agricultural crime. The theft of crops and /or farm equipment. 的缩写词,偷盗庄稼和/或农场设备的犯罪。 例句。

32、Rewrite the sentences on their books after the model on P52. 根据52页的例子重新写出句子在书上。

33、Pixel: A contraction of picture elements. 像数: 是图像无素的缩写。

34、PIXEL - short for picture element; 像素– 图像元素的缩写;

35、You must avoid taking sweet foods, e.g. cake, chocolate, and ice cream. 你必须避免吃甜食,诸如蛋糕、巧克力和冰淇淋。

36、Interestingly enough, you'll find that many of them are dead-on descriptions of the actual works. 很有意思的是,你会发现这其中大部分“缩写”经常准确得要死,实际上原著全凭那么一两句话就可概括。

37、With a few exceptions, abbreviations and acronyms should not be used in element, attribute, and type names. 除了几个例外,在元素、属性和类型名称中不应使用缩写词和首字母缩略词。

38、The first example is the notation I am using in this demonstration, the second example is the abbreviated notation, and the third example gives the full command statement without any abbreviations. 第一个示例是本文中使用的表示法,第二个示例是缩写表示法,第三个示例是不使用任何缩写的完整命令语句。

39、In other words, in the example, every instance of capital "A" is replaced with lowercase "a," "B" with "b," and so on. 换句话说,在本示例中,每个大写“A”的实例都将替换为小写“a”、“B”替换为“b”,依此类推。

40、The identifier casing rules take precedence over acronym casing rules. 标识符大小写规则优先于首字母缩写词大小写规则。

41、The sentence can't transpose. 这个句子改写不了。

42、A long story can be condensed into a few sentences . 一个长篇故事可以缩写成几句话。

43、For example, instead of assertEquals(expected, actual), you can write assertEquals(actual, is(expected)), which reads more like a real sentence. 例如,不必编写 assertEquals(expected, actual),您可以编写 assertEquals(actual, is(expected)),这段代码读起来更像是一个句子。

44、Most often, an alias abbreviates literals. 别名通常只是单纯的缩写。

45、I recently wrote an LZW compression and decompression procedures. 我最近写的一个LZW的压缩与解压缩程序。

46、The "I'll" pattern of course, it means the same thing as the "I will." It's only the contraction. 当然,“I'll” 与 “I will” 句型都表达同样的意思。前者仅仅只是后者的缩写形式。

47、shmily是英文see how much i love you 的缩写,

48、Every word and phrase that drops from his pen is elegant. 他笔下写出来的字字句句都是好文章。

49、topo: Short for toponym (see the GeoNames documentation). topo:toponym 的缩写(参见 GeoNames 文档)。

50、Tick out the wrong abbreviations and correct them. 勾出不正确的缩写并在横线上写出正确的。


51、The common abbreviation is "kr". 一般缩写为“kr”。

52、The scribe has been guilty of the grossest errors, in addition to abbreviating some verses and omitting others. 在抄写犯了最严重的错误,除了一些诗句和缩写省略等。

53、I do not take spelling or grammatical shortcuts, because that obfuscates good writing. 我不使用拼写和语法上的捷径(缩写,简写),那会把好的写作搞得很不清楚。

54、The abbreviation for credit is Cr. “贷方”的缩写是“Cr.”

55、Grasping of the ghostdom 冥界之握 缩写GoTG.

56、是Father and mother l love you.的各单词首字母缩写

57、For example, applying for a teaching job, the first sentence can be. 举个例子,申讨教员工作时,第一句话可以这样写。

58、Many examples below talk about SNMP which is an acronym for Simple Network Management Protocol. 下面的许多例子是关于SNMP的,SNMP是简单网络过来协议的缩写。

59、In this example, the first query uses the * shorthand to select all columns from the bigdog.products table. 在本例中,第一个查询使用 * 缩写选择 bigdog.products 表中的所有列。

60、For example, this allows organizations to tune the search engine to search for the complete spellings of common enterprise acronyms. 例如,可以让搜索引擎搜索常见的首字母缩写词的全拼形式。

61、Sound of the silencing 静寂之声 缩写 Sots.

62、   EBA─电子刹车辅助系统 EBA英文全称是“Electronic Brake Assist 。

63、A long story can sometimes be condensed into a few sentences. 一个长篇故事常常可以缩写成几个句子。

64、The abbreviation for debit is Dr. “借方”的缩写是“Dr.”。

65、The identifier casing rules take precedence over acronym casing rules. Do capitalize both characters of two-character acronyms, except the first word of a camel-cased identifier. 两字符首字母缩写词的两个字符都要大写,但当首字母缩写词作为大小写混合格式的标识符的首个单词时例外。

66、Use your spouse's initials and your anniversary, like "TFB0602." This one guarantees you won't forget an anniversary card, either. 使用您配偶名字的缩写和你们的周年纪念日,例如“TFB0602”,这还能确保你不会忘记写周年纪念卡呢。

67、Used as the first word of a camel-cased identifier. Do capitalize only the first character of acronyms with three or more characters, except the first word of a camel-cased identifier. 包含三个或三个以上字符的首字母缩写词只有第一个字符大写,但当首字母缩写词作为大小写混合格式的标识符的首个单词时例外。

68、Just like with naming tables, avoid using abbreviations, acronyms or special characters. 就像表名需要避免缩写,全字头缩写或者特殊字符。

69、J2EE is a veritable alphabet soup of technologies, each described by a catchy acronym. J2EE 是一个真正的各种技术缩写词的大杂烩,每种技术用一个容易记住的缩写词来描述。

70、One of the phrases it used to illustrate usage of the word "dull" read: "To make dictionaries is dull work. 字典为“无聊”这个词作词组释例时,其中有一句是这样写的:“编写字典是无聊的工作。”

71、My daughter finished all the exercises in lesson 116 this evening. She totally grasped how to rewrite new sentences according to the example. 今天晚上,我女儿做完了第一百一十六课的所有练习。她完全掌握了如何依照例句来改写句子。

72、Odd text characters and acronyms. 文本字符晦涩和缩写。

73、Since all three statements modify data, it's useful to have an acronym for referring to all of them. 因为这三种语句都会修改数据,所以用这个首字母缩写作为它们的统称。


标签: 高一 英文

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