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关于”赞美秋天“的英语句子36个,句子主体:Praise for Autumn。以下是关于赞美秋天的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Praise for Autumn


1、They admired the beauty of the garden.


2、Autumn is the best season in Beijing.The days are warm and sunny.We are planning an outing for next Sunday.


3、I got what I needed. Don't let me lie here 'till I can't hear those people chanting no more.


4、Oh, that we might sing morning and evening, and let song touch song all the way through. –Selected.


5、Thank them and send compliments their way.


6、There is a harmony in autumn, and a

19)luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen.

. She smiled all day and earned a great deal of praise from Grandparents Yau!很可能是这个原因,今天很乖,整天笑,爷爷嫲嫲大赞特赞!

7、Probably because of this, she behaved very well today…


8、For a few weeks every fall, we live in a picture-perfect postcard.


9、Emperor Qianlong and found it delicious taste abnormalities, that is, exclaim: "this menu worthy of that 'one in charge of food'."


10、I would like to commend my Egyptian brothers and sisters for their breathtaking courage and ask them to never give up.


11、They admire nature and condemn the artificial, and in their primitivity and innocence, they are easily made content.


12、The autumn cloud is beautiful in it to be the most changeful, at different times have different beauty.

13、Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves. 使生如夏日花朵之绚烂、死如秋天树叶之静美。


14、Praise the Loving Heavenly Father for being willing to forsake His only Son and experience grief on our behalf. Mk.




15、Today, express your gratitude. Gladden the heart of a person. Praise the wonder of the earth.


16、In the autumn, in autumn, autumn sun Mu A, if you feel better, can experience a new life taste.


17、Autumn is connotation. She saturated the busy calendar of spring and summer's warm, and no longer chasing vanity praise, but quietly, quietly into a touch of the autumn.


18、Fall to, chrysanthemum opened. There are red, yellow, with purple, and white, very beautiful!


19、Autumn is coming, chrysanthemum opened. There are red, yellow, purple, and white, beautiful!

我知道 你把枫树染成了红色 秋天的风 你太美了!

20、I know You colour maples red Autumn's wind You are very beautiful!

21、Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and all that move in them愿天和地,洋海,和其中一切的动物,都赞美他。

22、Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.使生如夏日花朵之绚烂、死如秋天树叶之静美。

23、FIFA press officer in Tianjin Division Nicholas "professional, efficient and perfect" to be commended, and Tianjin as a news-free zone division.国际足联驻天津赛区新闻官尼古拉用“专业、高效、完美”予以赞扬,并将天津赛区列为新闻免检区。

24、He is still today the same true and living God Who deserves our worship and praise!直到今天,他还是那位又真又活的神,配得我们的敬拜和赞美。

25、Fall rates start from $149/night.秋季费用最低是每晚149美元。

英文句子26:,26、A heart in tune with God sings melodies of praise.心中有救主,口唱赞美歌。

27、For them there is no heaven nor hell, and in neither shall they praise God's name.'对他们来说,没有天堂和地狱,他们亦不会在任何一处赞美上帝之名。

28、Praise the Lord, all his hosts, all his servants who do his will.上主的众天使,请赞美上主,你们是奉行他旨意的忠仆。

29、Famous Italian Traveller Mark. Polo Once acclaimed it was"In the world is most beautiful magnificent and expensive Day city ";著名的意大利旅行家马可。波罗曾赞叹它为“世界上最美丽华贵的天城”。

30、Even in these accident-prone times $50 billion sounds like an awful lot for one man to lose.即便是在金融市场多事之秋,一个人赔去500亿美元也是一个天文数字。

31、China and ad agency DDB were nearing a launch of the campaign last fall to capitalize on accolades China received following last year's Olympic Games.广告公司恒美广告(DDB)和中国去年秋天正接近发起一场广告攻势,以利用中国去年在举办奥运会后所受到的赞美。

32、And again, Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles; and laud him, all ye people.又说:“外邦啊,你们当赞美主;万民哪,你们都当颂赞他。”

33、Of course, the biggest compliment isto eat lots of food!当然,最大的赞美是多吃!

34、Zanhua heaven and nature.赞化天地、道法自然。

35、I still blossom in the four seasons, especially in the autumn I unscrupulous being in full bloom, had the fall chrysanthemum lofty character fine reputation finally.我依然在四季里开花,尤其在秋天我肆无忌惮的怒放,终于有了秋菊傲骨的美誉。

36、Even chat with them - smack talk or praise - it's your choice!甚至与他们聊天 - 咂嘴谈话或赞美 - 这是你的选择!

37、Seoul Tower at night and in the day… looks different.而白天的南山塔,秋风瑟瑟,一种凋零而凄美的景象。

38、These are often planted in autumn, but are available now in containers.北美百合常在秋天种植,但是现在有连容器卖的。

39、Let the heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and every thing that moveth therein.愿天和地,洋海,和其中一切的动物,都赞美他。

40、Each one had its own mood. There have been broad and beautiful moons in autumn;每次都有不同的心情。秋天月光明朗而美丽。

41、KJV Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.原和合本赞美神、得众民的喜爱。主将得救的人、天天加给他们。

42、Let my lips and my soul and all created things unite to praise and bless You.我的口舌,我的灵魂,以及天地万物,当一齐赞美祢,称扬祢。

43、GLENVIEW, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mead Johnson Nutrition Company (NYSE: MJN - News) announced today its financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2010, including美赞臣公司今天公布第二季度财报,包括以下内容

44、The Fragrant Hills are exceptionally beautiful in late autumn.深秋的香山格外美丽。

45、But Joni tells us that her greatest desire is to offer a "praise that is pure."但是娇妮告诉我们,她最大的渴望是在天堂献上「纯净的赞美」。

46、Ashamed of Thee, whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days?天使赞美不以为耻,主有荣耀光照不止。

47、Autumn is like a magic, our campus "painting" so brilliant, so beautiful!秋天又像一支神笔,把我们的校园“画”的如此灿烂、美好!

48、Dear Brothers and Sisters, Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!弟兄姊妹们,阿利路亚,赞美主!

49、Experts believe WNV is established as a seasonal epidemic in North America that flares up4 in the summer and continues into the fall.专家相信,西尼罗河病毒在北美已经演变成一种季节性传染病,夏天发作,延续到秋天。

50、But in contrast to last autumn, when Mr. Brown’s first bailout plan was highly praised, this package has been greeted with anxiety.去年秋天,布朗所提出的第一个救助计划得到了高度的赞扬。 而今年所提出的这个计划得到的回应却褒贬不

经典英文句子51:赞美秋天,51、As she left Elisha that day, she was probably praising the Lord for supplying all her need!当她那天离开以利沙时, 她也许一路赞美神满足她所有的需要呢!

52、To understand the gravity of the situation, you have to know what the Fed did last summer, and again last fall.对美联储在去年夏天和秋天的决定作一些了解将有助于我们理解情势的严峻性。

53、Beijing is beautiful, especially in late autumn.北京很美丽,特别是在晚秋。

54、THE trees are in their autumn beauty.树林披上它们美丽的秋衣。

55、Autumn is a beautiful season, with trees in the woods and parks changing colour.秋天由于森林和公园中树木换了新颜而分外美丽。

56、Autumn colors are a beautiful subject to shoot. This place has a special aura all year long, but at autumn it reveals its best.对于摄影来说,秋天的风景是一个美丽的主题。这个地方四季秀美,在秋季更是显示出它的独特魅力。

57、Find traits, skills or actions to compliment. And once you say it, don't keep restating it until the employee's face lights up.发现值得赞美的品质、技能或行动,一旦你赞美了,就不要重复再说,直到员工喜形于色。

58、Striking contrast between hell and heaven: Heaven: full of life, beautiful, harmonious, glorious, joyous, a place for praise and worship, …and love;和爱的地方;

1、地狱与天堂成强烈的对比: 天堂是一个充满生命,美丽,合谐,荣耀,欢乐,赞美,敬拜…

59、For the sixth year, India sent the most international students last fall, almost eighty -four thousand.在第xx年,也就是去年秋天,印度来美留学生最多,达八万四千人。

60、" city agitato says Zhu Qiu, "Day that, the order for goods of 30 thousand U.朱秋城兴奋地说,“天那,3万美金的定单啊!

61、Every moment I get to look out the window at our beautiful planet, my soul just sings!!…”I see skies of blue…and clouds of white…the bright blessed day…” (6-29-2010)我看到那湛蓝的天空,白色的云层…多么美好的一天…(6-29-2010)


62、You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. 礼尚得来(你我互相奉承赞美)。

63、Both seals are wonderful; my wife also praised your ingenuity, she happened to see them.两个印文都很美妙,内人也很赞叹您的天分,她碰巧看到它们。

64、Rong Cong :Praise the Lord we have such sister(s) to run together! Amen.赞美主,我们有如此的姊妹一同奔跑(天路),阿们!



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