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1、The Island of Poems! Now that I am on the Island of Poems, I should bring into play my talent too.


2、First, A study on Zhaoyin poems and Anti-Zhaoyin poems will discover the law of the Poems' emergence, development and extinction.


3、"Thinking purely" came from "The Book of Songs". Confucius quoted it Out of contest to express its social function.


4、Although the studies of Pre-Qin scattered poems has more than 2000 years, it is subject to the investigation of the Book of Songs comparing with the studies of the Book of Songs before 20th century.


5、His poem compares poorly with yours.


6、You can learn a lot by comparing Milton's poem to those of so many of his contemporaries.

阿门,阿门(诗篇 41:

7、Amen and Amen (Psalm 41:



10 13)。


8、The one who wrote a preface to his collection of poems enjoyed the highest status among the Western Region poets on the frontiers.


9、Poetry and complement each other, similar paintings that good poetry in the contemporary art world is also not uncommon.


10、It's lightness, elegant as poem and painting.


11、India produced epic literature.


12、The theoretic basis for the homogeny of drama and poetry is that both forms of art cannot exist without "tension".


13、Does she still write new-style poetry?


14、She spent her spare time composing poetry.


15、The concept of "harmony of poetry and painting" is closely related with the rise of modem-styled poetry and landscape painting.


16、Zhu Yizun described a poetry school, with Li Mengyang as a major role and his followers as a subsidiary, and expounded the inheritance of poetry between them.


17、Buy an anthology of spiritual teachings.


18、Just listen to the language, the poetry!


19、Yeats is a poet who asks questions.


20、His summary prosifies the poem.

21、The most epic of Ragnar's adventures!进入拉格纳的史诗冒险!

22、The laurels and the myrtles that he addresses here are, of course, the traditional plants classically associated with great poets; but for Milton in this passage, importantly these plants simply aren't ripe yet.诗中提到的月桂树和常青藤,传统上常常与伟大诗人相联系;,但在弥尔顿的这首诗,重要的是这些植物尚未成熟。

23、Chinese Peacock Dance By Yang …孔雀舞诗巫华族传统�…

24、History developed in "the Book of Songs" is also that of the role development of relationship between rites and poetry, Yue.两种不同的存在状态体现出《诗》的角色由“乐”之附庸向“礼”之附庸的转变。《诗经》发展的历史也是礼与诗、乐关系角色演变的历史。

25、Against this brilliant evocation of airlessness we may put Whitman's view of the poet.我们从他这段批评诗人无生气的精采论述中,可以看出惠特曼对于诗人的看法。

英文句子26:,26、The combination of emptiness and Buddhism in Wang Wei's poems is not only a poetic but also a cultural phenomenon.王维诗中“空”与禅的合璧,不仅是一种诗学现象,也是一种文化现象。

27、Textual Research on Geography in The Book of Songs is the main representative works as a result of studying The Book of Songs by Wang Yinglin, who was a scholar in Nansong Dynasty.《诗地理考》是南宋学者王应麟《诗经》研究的主要代表作品,也是我国现存最早的考证《诗经》中相关地理的专著。

28、The article explores the history of "Korean Jiangxi poetic school", as well as its nature, scope and significance in comparison with China's "Jiangxi poetic school".现简要考察“海东江西诗派”提出的历史脉络,并参照中国“江西诗派”的概念,对海东江西诗派的性质、范围、意义等作了初步探索。

29、Well--okay. This has nothing to do with the text, we say, and yet at the same time suppose it did.其实这和诗本身并没有关系,但是我们假设它和诗是关联的。

30、Vacillation." The poem was written following a series of poems called the "Crazy Jane" poems, written as a kind of summary of them, a kind of resolution of the debates that go on in them.踌躇一诗写于系列诗,疯狂的珍妮之后,作为对这一系列诗的总结,作为对其中的争论的解决方式。

31、A man, who is a man, is stubbornly described as "Vagrant" in the poem so as to get the theme of the poem reinforced.人,便是人,诗中硬要说成“氓” ,这是用来强化该诗的内涵。

32、Jiangzhai take "idea" as the key elements commenting on the poem gist, and the "idea" is unfolded for "feeling" and "scenery".王夫之《姜斋诗话》以“意”为论诗主旨,并把“意”展开为“情”、“景”两要素。

33、We can know every aspects of life in Pre-Qin times with the Book of Songs.通过时《诗经》婚恋诗的研究,我们可以了解到先秦社会生活的方方面面。

34、"true meanings" are the contents of the poems; and "true interest" is the natural demonstration of his poems' expression.“真意”是就其诗之内容而言,“真趣”是其诗之神态上的自然表现。

35、By reciting Han Wei's intercourse with other poets, we outline Han Wei's changes in his poetic viewpoints, which reflect the evolution of the North Song Dynasty poetry, too.本章通过探寻韩维与诗坛中其他文人的交游,概括其诗学观点的变迁,也从一定程度上描画了北宋诗坛的演变历程。

36、And in the Odyssey also he has made mention of it in these verses: 99而在他的《奥德赛》诗中,也通过下面这段诗文提到这一点:【《奥德赛·卷四》——译者注】

37、He sets a high value on “Poems”.他给《诗集》以高度评价。

38、The second kind is Yong Huai Poetry;第二类是咏怀诗;

39、Yao was named a reputation in the early Changqing years when he wrote the poems in Wugong county.而姚合则在长庆初年创作了《武功县中作》等组诗以后方获得诗坛声誉。

40、George Santayana, [Three Philosophical Poets]桑塔亚那,(三位哲学诗人)

41、The third kind is poems of complimentary copy;第三类是寄赠诗;

42、And if it's a poet that you want to be, to what extent can the writing of poetry be considered respectable work?"如果你想要成为一位诗人,写诗到底是什么,体面地工作呢?“

43、Wordsworth enters St John's, and publishes his first poem. He later became Poet Laureate.华滋华斯进入圣约翰学院,并发表了他第一首诗。随后他成为了桂冠诗人。

44、In the early part of the 20th century, scholars studied The Book of Songs from the literary viewpoint and drew a conclusion that traditional study of The Book of Songs have no literary scholarship.二十世纪初期,《诗经》研究者从文学视角审视传统《诗经》学,得出的基本结论是传统《诗经》学里没有文学性研究。

45、No English poet before Milton ever suggested that he had been chosen by God at birth to be a poet.在弥尔顿之前没有英国诗人敢说,自己是被上帝选中去做诗人的。

46、Most of the songs in Hengchui Ballads were supposed as border poems by scholars.横吹曲题目中的大部分被文人们赋咏为边塞诗,横吹曲辞与边塞诗是有关系的。

47、Misty poetry presents personal element.朦胧诗呈现出个人化倾向。

48、How the explanation to it has directly reflected the knowledge to DuFu's poetry and even to poetry and history of recipient.对它的解释直接反映了学者对杜诗乃至对诗和史的认识。

49、The enigmatic languages in the Book of Odes about the things and words, has hided many secrets. The old interpretation had given of the Book of Odes in wrong explanation, which caused the mistake.诗经婚恋诗中影射事物或文字的隐语,潜藏许多秘辛,又因《诗经》中诸多旧解穿凿附会,造成谬误。

50、Secondly , the process of the Mao Poems'classic .《毛诗》经学化的过程。

经典英文句子51:诗,51、One of the Characteristics of the landscape poetry of the Xie's clan in the Six Dynasties is that they are graphic.六朝陈郡谢氏家族的山水诗,具有“诗中有画”的艺术特点。

52、Epic Unit Scale mod here…史诗股级改进型这里…

53、A few of Xieyin in Shi Ji Zhuan are relative to some written phenomena including Tongjia-zi, Yiwen etc.《诗集传》有少量叶音跟《诗经》的某些通假字、异文等用字现象有关联。

54、Fushi, to some extent, is characteristic of enigmatic language and metaphor from the phenomenon of explaining the poem after Fushi and the true idea being beyond the poem itself.从赋诗中赋后加以解释以及赋者之意不在诗本身而在其比附的对象来看,赋诗在某种程度上蕴含有隐语与譬喻的性质。

55、I croon this poem in delight.本人轻哼这喜悦的诗。

56、King find people, but also poetry visit.人们来寻景,更来寻诗。

57、He forgives you (Ps. 86:他能原谅你(诗篇86:



58、And of my verses, the white Flock.我的白色鸟群的诗行。

59、With the method of comparative literature research, this dissertation discusses in detail and deeply for the first time the relationship between Mu Dan, a distinguished Chinese modernism poet, and T.本文运用比较文学的研究方法,首次对杰出的现代主义诗人穆旦(查良铮)和作为其重要诗学资源的英国大诗人T。

60、In 1980, at Hillary’s urging, I had joined Immanuel and begun to sing in the choir.xx年,在希拉里的怂恿下,我加入了以马内利浸礼会,开始在唱诗班中唱诗。

61、His poems participate of the nature of satire.他的诗带有讽刺性

62、Barracuda Point, Sipadan, Malaysia.马来西亚诗巴丹岛梭鱼点。

63、Yan Jun, Sound artist and poet.颜峻,声音艺术家,诗人。

64、A study of Qin Zihao's modernist poetry.覃子豪现代诗研究。

65、To divert interest from the poet to the poetry is a laudable aim: for it would conduce to a juster estimation of actual poetry, good and bad.将兴趣由诗人身上转移到诗上是一件值得称赞的企图:因为这样一来,批评真正的诗,不论好坏,可以得到一个较为公正的评价。

66、Since spreading into Korea, the poems by Du Fu have enjoyed very high reputation. They have been respected as fine models of poems.自从杜诗传入韩国,就享有很高声誉,被尊为学诗的规范。

67、One of the fathers in great severity called poesy vinum daenwnwn; because it filleth the imagination and yet it is but with me shadow of a lie.早期的耶教著作家中有一位曾经很严厉地把诗叫做“魔鬼底酒”,因为诗能占据人底想象,然而诗不过是伪说底影子罢了。

68、Chaucer is the father of English poetry.乔叟是英诗的鼻祖。

69、Chairman of Kincline Poetry Society in 1993.xx年任康乐诗会会长。

70、Poetry paintings, they will only painting.诗文字画,他们只会绘画。



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