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关于”孤独忧伤的句子“的英语句子5个,句子主体:Lonely and sad sentences。以下是关于孤独忧伤的句子的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Lonely and sad sentences

1、The monkey peered out of his cage with the sad eyes of a lonely old man. 那猴子用一双像一个孤独老人一样忧郁的眼睛向笼子外面窥望。

2、People of the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures to people escaped the silence, lonely and sad. 人的七情六欲注定着人是逃不过沉默、孤独与悲伤。

3、Ten thousand saw I at a glance, 我一眼看见了一万朵, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. 在欢舞之中起伏颠簸。

4、We can experience cold, hunger, pain, sadness, abandonment, loneliness, fear, joy, etc. with the same intensity humans do. 我们可以感知寒冷,饥饿,痛苦,悲伤,遗弃,孤独,恐惧,欢乐等,感受之深与人类毫无二致。

5、Gaara looks lonely as a kid. 我爱罗作为一个孤独的孩子看。

6、In Yuefu songs, the singers poured out their worries and indignation at affairs of their time and deep sorrow for suffering loneliness. 在汉乐府民歌中,歌者倾诉了感慨时世的忧愤、遭遇孤独的悲愁;

7、Before you they peopled the solitude that you occupy, and they are more used to my sadness than you are. 它们先于你居住于你所占据的孤独,它们比你更习惯于我的悲伤。

8、His heart is a deep, hidden sadness, loneliness and untold difficulties. 他的内心,是一口深井,隐藏着伤心、孤独和难言的苦衷。

9、Non-autistic people see autism as a great tragedy, and parents experience continuing disappointment and grief at all stages of the child's and family's life cycle. 孤独症在非孤独症人们的眼中无疑是一个人生悲剧。 在孩子的成长过程中,在日复xx日的家庭生活中,父母们无时无刻不在经受着失望和悲痛的煎熬。

10、Some people go shopping when they are sad, worried, upset or lonely and they want to feel better. 有些人在感到悲伤、担心、苦恼或者孤独时想散散心,便去采购。

11、When I'm lonely be my friend, when I'm sad be my joy, when I'm hurt be my mender and my fixer, when I'm wrong straiten me out and be my righteousness. 主啊! 请做我孤独时的朋友,悲伤时的喜乐; 受伤害时的修复者,将我从错误中拯救出来,成为我的公义。

12、Live with relatives days, feelings of vulnerability as off-line kite, free and lonely, sad and adrift. 寄居在亲戚家的日子里,脆弱的感情如同脱线的风筝,自由而孤独,悲伤又漂泊无依。

13、If there is a suitcase, I will open the floodgates to stray. 有什么样的孤独能比失信于人更加孤独呢?

14、Don't go to the bar no matter how depressed you are. To drink or smoke alone will only add you more loneliness and sadness. 再郁闷也不要去泡酒吧。一个孤独的人手握高脚杯或者抽烟,会更添寂寞感与忧伤。

15、They are portrayed as a tragedy, the uncommunicative child rocking in the corner, devoid of her humanity. 人们认为孤独症就是那在角落里前后摇晃不会说话的孩子,是一个悲剧,而忽视了孤独症人士作为人的人性。

16、He talked with the people who came to his shop, but after business hours he remained alone with his grief. 他仍会和来店里的人交谈,但关门后,他就与孤独和悲伤为伴。

17、Woe to him that is alone. 孤独的人最可悲;

18、With the loneliness that tragedy had become her fate. 孤独、寞中,她的命运仿佛是一场悲剧。

19、In your lonely sad day you quietly recite my name. And said: I miss someone in the world I live in a person's heart. 在你孤独悲伤的日子里请你悄悄地念一念我的名字。并且说:有人在怀念我在世上我活在一个人的心里。 。

20、Forget the days you were lonely. 忘记那孤独寂寞的日子。

21、Queen dugu came to prince round. 独孤皇后来到太子府上。

22、 It is only alone, truly alone that one bursts apart, springs forth. 只有孤独、真正的孤独才能让人爆发、飞跃。

23、I will stand ready to be with you in your grief and loneliness but I will not take it away from you. 我会时刻准备好,在你悲伤和孤独时站到你身边,但我不会把你的悲伤和孤独带走。

24、And this is actually the helplessness, sadness, and solitude of his entire generation. 而这其实是他那一代人的无奈、伤感与百年孤独。

25、Continuing focus on the child's autism as a source of grief is damaging for both the parents and the child, and precludes the development of an accepting and authentic relationship between them. 一味地为孩子的孤独症而悲伤,无论是对父母还是对孩子都是有害的,它会妨碍父母与孩子之间真情实感的产生。


26、Friendship, is the result of love. When you fell, support hands, sad, send you a ray of comfort; Lonely, take a disc sweet heart. 友谊,源于爱心。跌倒时,伸出扶持的双手,忧伤时,送上一缕安慰;孤独时,捎去一瓣心香。

27、He walked alone and sorrowing. 他独自漫步心怀伤悲。

28、Then New Wave evolved into Goth Music which portrays sadness, loneliness and Death. 新浪潮接着演变成代表着悲伤、孤独和死亡的歌特音乐。

29、What kind of loneliness can more lonely than letting people? ⊙、有什么样的孤独能比失信于人更加孤独呢?

30、Tragedy of Destiny and Tragedy of Society--"Thunderstorm" Tragedy Analysis; 孤独、寞中,她的命运仿佛是一场悲剧。

31、Too the noisy crowd, sad and lonely is very warm words. 比起喧闹的人群来, 翚悲伤和孤独也是很温暖的词。

32、But if some sorrow comes to you, utter my name with sighs, and tell the silence: "Memory is true - there beats a heart wherein I dwell." 但是你在孤独、悲伤的日子, 请你悄悄地念一念我的名字, 并且说:有人在怀念我, 在世上我活在一个人的心里。

33、Loneliness is not sad, because I saw the end of the road full of flowers. Floating. 孤独却不再忧伤,因为我看到路的尽头飘满花香。

34、'An only child is a lonely child,' the expression goes. 有句俗话说:“独生子女都是孤独的孩子。”

35、temporary loneliness 临时寂寞 ; 暂时的孤独 ; 临时孤独

36、With a gentle heart in hand, to find the most precious love, forget the drift of loneliness and sadness ends of the earth. 带着手心里的温柔,去寻觅最为珍贵的爱,忘却漂泊天涯海角的孤独与悲伤。

37、Another quote from Osho, then: Aloneness is beautiful, it is grand. 引用奥修的另一句话:孤独是美丽的,崇高的。

38、Men are so often silent, solitary mourners who immerse themselves in activity and private, symbolic rituals. 男人是如此的时常沈默,埋首于活动和二等兵, 代号仪式的孤独悲伤者。

39、Even deliberately seeking a touch of sadness, to express the feelings of loneliness sad. 甚至刻意追求一种淡淡的哀愁,抒发孤独伤感的情怀。

40、 It is only alone, truly alone that one bursts apart, springs forth. 只有孤独、真正的孤独才能让人爆发、飞跃。

41、As an old spinster, she is lonely, sensitive and easily hurt. 她是个老姑娘,孤独、敏感,很容易受得伤害。

42、Like a sad song, sing my sorrow and light alone. 悲伤像是一首歌,浅唱著我的悲伤与孤单。

43、When ever you feel lonely or sad please whisper my… 在你孤独、悲伤的日子,请你悄悄地念一念我的名字!

44、The peak of the ruins. The middle of nowhere. Freedom, sadness, solitude, finding your own feelings. 废墟上的最高点,杳无人烟的地方。自由、悲伤、孤独,寻找属于你的感受。

45、Scare alone and dolorous, but scare much more to plustoghter. 害怕孤独与忧伤,但更害怕与别人叠加。

46、In every life there is pain, loss, illness, loneliness and death. 生活中都会遇到伤痛,失去,疾病,孤独和死亡。

47、It is sad that there is no prince in this lonely world, nobody can help. 可悲的是,没有白马王子在这个孤独世界上,谁也没办法。

48、There is a watchfulness for the loneliness to reveal itself. 对孤独的警觉会暴露孤独本身。

49、And then my heart with pleasure fills, 于是我的心便涨满幸福, And dances with the daffodils. 和水仙一同翩翩起舞。

50、These include anger, anxiety, sadness, isolation, and fear. 这包括愤怒、焦虑、悲伤、孤立和恐惧。


51、So the Star-woman lived alone and unhappy upon the earth because she had disobeyed. 因为她犯了天规,星妈只能忧伤而孤独活在大地上。

52、Distraught and lonely, the old man faced the upcoming Christmas holidays with anguish and sadness. 烦乱和孤独,老人怀着丧子的痛苦和悲伤迎接即将来临的圣诞节。

53、To the noisy crowd, sad and lonely is very warm words.比起喧闹的人群来,悲伤和孤独也是很温暖的词语。

54、This is my love sad woman, but sad lonely, nobody can understand my sadness. 我本就是爱伤感的女子,却伤感的孤独寂寞,无人能读懂我的伤感。

55、Don’t run from your aloneness, for it is always there. 不要逃离孤独,因为人总是孤独的。

56、To the noisy crowd, sad and lonely is very warm words. 比起喧闹的人群来,悲伤和孤独也是很温暖的词语。

57、Will I feel sad when I continue my journey alone? 让我孓然孤独地前行,我会悲伤吗?

58、As the only child, she lived with her father, tried her utmost to look after him. She, lonely, listless, anxious, often came to Alan for comfort. 作为独生女,她和她的父亲住在一起,尽力去照顾他。她孤独无依、无精打采、愁眉苦脸,经常到阿兰那里去排除忧伤。

59、In the solitude, the solitude of that absence, the boy uses the tree to work his will playfully. 在这样的孤独里,缺席的孤独里,这个孩子用树来玩。

60、A lonely person, not lonely raindrop. 孤独的一个人,不孤独的雨滴。

61、The butterfly, he said, is “miserable, isolating, painful.” 蝶泳,他说,是“可悲,孤独,痛苦的。”

62、Sometimes, Angela might still feel sad, missing her parents, feeling lonely, hating her dumbness or something. 有时,安琪拉可能仍然失踪感到悲伤的时候,她的父母,觉得孤独,那恨他的沉默或什么的。

63、It is tragic that many people marry to stop being lonely, but soon find themselves lonelier than they were as singles. 然而可悲的是,许多人为了脱离孤独而结婚,却在婚后发现他们比单身时更加孤独。

64、The only child was rumored to be selfish, lonely and maladjusted. 据传独生子女都很自私、孤独、适应能力差。

65、The novel The Centennial Solitude is a reflection of the Creolean solitude which comes from their cultural disorder and breakdown. 《百年孤独》反映了克里奥尔人的孤独,孤独的最终根源在于其文化形态紊乱。

66、Solitary redoubles griefs, and cuts joys in halves. 孤独使忧伤加倍,使欢乐减半。

67、In these deep solitudes and awful cells, Where have'nly-pensive contemplation dwells, And ever-musing melancholy reigns; 在这些孤独简陋的小房间中, 有着属于天堂的沉思, 和永不停息的忧伤。

68、Tanabata Valentine's Day, she is lonely, lonely, and sad. 七夕情人节,她是孤独的、寂寞的、悲伤的。

69、Facing the lamp alone, he was in deep sorrow. 他独对孤灯,悲伤不已。

70、Lonely and helpless: After that, there will be a strong sense of isolation and loneliness. 孤独无助:在这之后,会出现强烈的孤立感和孤独感。

71、An only child, living with her father, trying to look after him, lonely, depressed, anxious, she had come to Alan to be healed. 作为独生女,她和她的父亲住在一起,尽力去照顾他。 她孤独无依、无精打采、愁眉苦脸,经常到阿兰那里去排除忧伤。

72、Of course, loneliness might make us down by creating an innominate sadness, and this kind of melancholy will produce some kind of beauty. 当然,孤独常常叫人感到无以名状的忧伤。而这忧伤有时又是很美丽的。

73、It is lonely. 你是孤独的、孤独的,你是一个隐士,你变得不可理喻。

74、Sadness is a common theme in popular music, and it may be that individuals with depression turn to these messages to make themselves feel less alone in their sadness. 悲伤是流行音乐的共同主题,可能压抑的青少年把注意力转向这些信息使自己在悲伤中不觉得那么孤独。

75、Silly woman, happiness ran out, don't throw away, leaving only the sad and lonely. 笨女人,幸福跑了出来,不要扔掉,只剩下了悲伤和孤独。

英文句子模板76:Lonely and sad sentences

76、Carson McCuller' s representative work The Ballad of the Sad Cafe embodies typical theme of loneliness, and the loneliness is to a large extent modernist. 卡森·麦卡勒斯的代表作《伤心咖啡馆之歌》表达了孤独的主题,这种孤独在很大程度上是现代主义的。

77、Cry just a person's anger, tears to just let know that sorrow, so sad the asuras would only choose a person in a corner to savor solitude and injured. 哭泣只是一个人的宣泄,泪滴只是让自己知道悲伤,所以忧郁的阿修罗只会选择一个人在角落里去品尝孤独和伤。

78、The tree was lonely and sad. 老树很孤独很伤心。

79、These are my lonely up blood occult injury. 这些,是我孤独血液里隐匿起来的暗伤。


标签: 高三 英文

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