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关于”默写的技巧“的英语句子52个,句子主体:The skill of silent writing。以下是关于默写的技巧的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The skill of silent writing


1、The authors of the "little stories" are mostly new to the art of writing.

作为练习,我决定只使用文本编辑器(加上 Mozilla 0.9.5)编写这一技巧文章。

2、As an exercise I decided to write this tip using only a text editor (plus Mozilla 0.9.5).


3、No Silent Way lesson really resembles another, because the content depends on the know-how "here and now" of learners who are "here and now.


4、Hybridization is a more objective translation strategy.

3) Appropriate hybridity is meaningful to enrich Chinese language, culture and literary genres as well as writing techniques.


5、In the process, we have improved our ability of using words and writing skills imperceptibly.


6、Learn tips on how to add eyebrow makeup to create a great mime costume for Halloween in this free video clip.


7、When you've finished the book, the kids will be writing their own programs and developing the skills they'll need to thrive in the world they'll inherit from us.


8、Learn some tips on understanding stage directions from our play writing expert in this free video clip.


9、I recommend buying books and then spending 1000x more time actually practicing the books' teachings with a friend.


10、The study of these literacy skills in beginning writers should also help us better understand the role of metalinguistic awareness in all aspects of literacy development.


11、I try to use clay and the realistic skills to make it a visual ready-made, which looks authentic.


12、"Ascertain, " he wrote to Zwingli, "whether this man possesses sufficient prudence and skill;


13、Upholding the banner of "Make it strange" the postmodern writers are addicted to experiments with writing.


14、Freehand draw an image for collage with tips from a professional artist in this free video on visual arts.


15、Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies .


16、Second, expound the type of the individualized teaching style and important meaning formed, namely the reason type, emotion type, humorous type, skill type, natural type, etc.


17、The Humor Skills Training Program provided in this book will help nurses find their own style of bringing humor to the bedside.


18、But meditation is simply focused thinking-a skill anyone can learn and use anywhere.


19、Analyses the author's writing techniques and the symbolization from the angle of color description.


20、A slightly lower proportion (58 per cent) said that writing for us had improved their interviewing skills.

21、Technical Note: It is not recommended to put this directory under the web server document root.技巧:该设置必须是一个相对或绝对路径。包含路径不用于写文件。

22、Fawning authors penned books about his management techniques that remain on sale at bookstores here today.吹捧的作家写的关于他的管理技巧的书仍然在书店畅销。

23、But by thinking about these tips, and trying to follow them myself, I have gotten to the point where I can make writing work for me and my career.但是,因为考虑了这些技巧,并试图按这些技巧来做,我已经达到了轻松应对自己和职业所需要的写作的程度。 希望广大读者也能从中受益。

24、Whether Comedic Skits can reach a climax depends on their humorous skills, in which language plays a key role.喜剧小品能否达到高境界,幽默技巧是关键性条件,而构成幽默的主要元素是语言。

25、When I started the blogging journey, I was motivated by a vague belief that it could improve my learning skills.我当初开始写博客是由于我模模糊糊的感觉这样子可以提高我的学习技巧。

英文句子26:,26、HC does not deviate from this standard, but it uses a trick to simplify writing the front end.HC 也没有偏离这个标准,但是它使用了一个简化编写前端的技巧。

27、In this "This is not academic writing" column we examine short excerpts from academic texts to illustrate common writing errors and explain how to correct them.本篇专栏将节录不同学术议题的内容,分析常见的写作错误,并分享润修与写作的技巧。

28、This course introduces students to the basic skills of news reporting and writing and their application in various news media.本课程训练学生采访与写作技巧及其在各种新闻媒介上的应用。

29、By dint of superb writing technique, the aosiding is vivid the alacrity that three next in importance detailses also write.凭着高超的写作技巧,奥斯汀把三个次要情节也写的活泼生动。

30、Keep Match Fit – Exercise your writing muscles, the more your practice the more you improve. Comments should be short, fast, to the point and make an impact.保持身手——锻炼你的写作肌肉,练得越多提高越多.评论应该短小精悍、一针见血、振聋发聩.写评论是锻炼写作技巧的绝佳方式.

31、A large television station seeking to hire a new producer asked for “expert news judgment … superior writing skills ……高超的写作技巧……

1、 must have management skills, must be multi-task oriented, and well organized.”



32、The pros know there are not only degrees of funniness, but there are also tricks that can enhance the effectiveness of a comedy line.了解幽默优势,不仅仅在于趣味程度上的差异,而且其中包含技巧,可提高喜剧路线的效益。

33、Creativity, skills, technical innovation, content, sense of humour and local touch, originality and design. The entries must be original.创意、技巧、动画技术之运用、内容、幽默感、本土性、原创性及设计概念。

34、In 1998, he was discovered in a talent contest where he showcased his piano and song-writing skills.xx年,他被发现在人才的较量,他展示了他的钢琴和歌曲写作技巧。

35、Even where taught, it is so soon replaced by typing, for all assignments, that the skill never sets.即使是那些教授手写体字体的学校,所有的练习也很快通过用键盘输入代替“手写”完成,以至于这种书写技巧永远也无法形成气候。

36、Meditation is often misunderstood as some difficult, mysterious ritual practiced by isolated monks and mystics. But meditation is simply focused thinking-a skill anyone can learn and use anywhere.默想常常被误解成一件困难又具神秘仪式的事,是遁世的僧侣们修行的方式。事实上,默想只是聚焦的思想,是一件任何人都能学,随处可做的技巧。

37、It is not just the courses' participants and tutors who espouse the importance of creative writing techniques in business.不仅仅是课程的参与者和老师倡导创意性写作技巧在商业中的重要性。

38、Write scene transitions flush with the right margin in all capitals, followed by a colon.写剧本时要将用到的转场技巧标在页面的右边,使用黑体字,后面加上冒号。

39、His shooting methods are innovative, such as cross-cutting, close-up, and the mime film The Shrink Lover inserted in Talk to Her.拍摄手法新颖,如 交叉剪辑的技巧、特写,与《悄悄告诉她》穿插默剧《缩小的情人》。

40、Q. You've written about the challenge of negotiating in China. Any tips for would-be deal makers?您曾经写过在中国谈判的难题。能为那些即将去做中国的人提供一些技巧吗?

41、Call-backs and running gags are advanced techniques the humor experts use to get laughs. They're a natural when you sharpen your observation skills.回味和重复是一些幽默行家用来博得大笑的高级技巧,当你的观察技巧提高的时候那些就是自然而然的事了。

42、Jorden with Mari Noda, Yale University Press, 1987), enhancing the basic skills for conversation, reading and writing.Jorden与Mari Noda合著,耶鲁大学出版社,1987出版),加强会话、阅读、及写作的基本技巧。

43、This is a Luo VC2005 prepared programming skills Guinness source code (VC2005programallsour - 这是罗斌编写的VC2005编程技巧大全的源代码(



44、Do it up right with a sentimental card that explains how really great they are (remember the flattery tactic above).送一张善解人意的卡片,写上他们有多么好(记住上文提及的赞美技巧)。

45、Tip: Naming DNT variable with a combination of uppercase and lowercase can help the translator to ignore them when translating.技巧:结合使用大小写命名 DNT 变量能够帮助译者在翻译时忽略它们。

46、Pride and Prejudice is a well-known fiction written in superb techniques. It forms a connecting link between the preceding and the following in the British fiction history.《傲慢与偏见》是一部以高超写作技巧写成的著名小说,在英国小说史上起着承上启下的作用。

47、This tip has demonstrated the use of the cursor-based API of StAX for writing XML documents efficiently.这篇技巧说明了如何使用 StAX 基于指针的 API 有效地编写 XML 文档。

48、Chinese English level of widespread characteristics is read with write of the technique be far far the good to listen to with say.中国人英文水平的普遍特点是读和写的技巧远远好于听和说。

49、A well-stocked and inquiring mind plus sharp penmanship are the main assets, they reckon.他们认为博学、好问的头脑加上好的写作技巧,这才是最重要的资本。

50、Discussions on skills required to writing and evaluating a " granth(a)" were already in vogue during the Ramayanic era.对书写技巧的要求和对手稿的评价在罗摩时期就已经流行。

经典英文句子51:默写的技巧,51、You need to design the overall book and learn some best practices of writing techniques so that the reader can easily understand what you are trying to explain.你需要为写个整体框架,并学习一些很好的写作技巧以便读者能更容易明白你要说的内容。

52、This manual is expressively written for those who wish to improve the level of worship team playing through creative writing.这一本手册是为那些有心提升敬拜团队弹奏技巧,愿意花时间编写乐曲的信徒而写的。

53、In an interview with the BBC, Dr Max Atkinson (a communications specialist) outlined a number of speechwriting techniques. He also illustrated how these techniques have been used in historic speeches.在接受BBC采访时,麦克斯博士,同时也是一位沟通交流专家,他总结了一些写演讲稿的技巧。他还举例说明这些技巧在以往的演讲中是如何应用的。

54、"To subdue the enemy without fighting", he wrote, "is the acme of skill. "兵不血刃地征服敌人是技巧的极致。他写道。

55、All it has, including its tiny little bit of writing, photography and interview skills, are easily obtainable and negligible.其引以为「傲」的写作、摄影及访问技巧,可谓微不足道;同等人材,俯拾皆是。

56、This interweaving of postmodern techniques with realist, modernist, magical realist or other modes resists easy theorization.后现代技巧与写实主义、现代主义、魔幻写实主义或其他形式相互交织的情形不易予以理论化。

57、The value of humor is perhaps underrated, but if you take the time to develop your humor skills, I think you’ll find it greatly improves the impact and effectiveness of your communication.幽默的力量可能被低估了,但是如果你能花些时间学习一下幽默技巧,我想你一定能够在沟通交流方面大有长进。

58、Humor is mean to laugh in writing.幽默就是意在引人发笑的写作。

59、Default charset in which to compose messages.编写信件的默认字符集。

60、The teacher should devote most of his energy to teaching students how to learn, practicing them learning to write by writing instead of some rules or techniques for writing;在写作教学中,教师应把精力放在教学生学会学习,让他们在写的过程中学习写作,而不应是一味地讲解写作规则、技巧等;

61、Being"iconoclastic"(Schulz 156) is the common ground for both Heller's writing strategies in Catch-22 and Derrida's deconstructive philosophy.“破旧立新”(Schulz 156)成为海勒的写作技巧与德理达解构主义思想的共通之处。

62、Class Participation - This class is designed to challenge speaking as well as writing skills.课堂讨论 - 本班的目的是为了激发口头表达并写作技巧。

63、Whether it is thematic concern or writing technique, his tragic consciousness has the ineradicable importance.无论是主题还是写作技巧,他的悲剧意识有着不可或缺的重要性。

64、Douglas was fascinated by the technique of writing, and he judged his own work with a harsh and demanding critical eye.道格拉斯对于写作的技巧十分着迷,用严厉而挑剔的眼光评鉴自己的作品。

65、These classes were usually taught by different teachers. To practice our writing skills, we poured our thoughts, feelings, and dreams into a little journal every day.为了锻炼我们的写作技巧,我们每天要求写小日记,把我们的思想、感情和梦想都写进去。

66、Get tips for preparing an apple pie in a crock pot in this free recipe video clip on crock pot cooking.找编写缸缸罐中的一个苹果馅饼食谱在此免费视频剪辑锅烹饪技巧。

67、Emailing can be a tricky form of communication. There are mistakes to be made. I have made more than a few of them.写电子邮件是一种有技巧的交流方式,会犯错误,我就犯过一些。

68、He’s a great example of someone who learned to be funny by working hard to perfect his craft over a period of many years.他是通过多年学习而不断完善幽默技巧,成为风趣的演讲师的典范。

69、English teacher told our writing from memory.余老师就让我们默写。

70、Teaching of illusion technique of miming. Produced by Silence Theatre.无声模式制作,法国式默剧幻象技巧教授。

71、Through various handwriting skills, anyone can write the stereo character with strong visual effect from different angles in one time.任何人通过不同书写技巧,就能一次书 写出,从不同视觉角度观察,都具有较强视觉效果的立体字。

72、There is something voluptuous in the rage inspired by the kind of meanness we are used to calling Dickensian.电影给人一种悲愤之中的妖艳之感,这就写作技巧被人们称为“狄更斯式的风格”。

73、For centuries admirers of The Arte of English Poesie didn’t know who wrote it.多个世纪以来,英诗技巧的崇拜者们都不知道是谁写下这些。

74、The authors to write benign opuses must inhere the capability and skill of reining the language.作者要写出好的作品,必须具有驾驭语言文字的能力和技巧。

75、While the critics only recognize the technique and skills of photorealism painters, photorealism painters has got different point of view.评论家只勉强承认超级写实主义的绘画技巧不错,而超级写实主义画家们则有着不同的观点。

英文句子模板76:The skill of silent writing,76、One more trick to lessen the effort with compression is to use lowercase elements and class names.另一种减少压缩工作的技巧是使用小写形式的 元素和类名。

77、You are going to read a text about the tips on resume writing, followed by a list of examples.您将读到一篇关于简历写作技巧的文章,其后附有一些范文!

78、Also, Xie’s “strategy tips” on each card summarize essential campus survival skills.同时,谢牧阳在每张卡片上写下的“攻略”都总结了一些校园生存的基本技巧。

79、When I realized that I was writing plays, I read a lot more plays for style and for substance and for technique.当我意识到我在写剧的时候,我会读更多剧本来学习形式,内容和技巧。

80、This is a Luo VC2005 prepared programming skills Guinness source code (VC2005programallsour - 这是罗斌编写的VC2005编程技巧大全的源代码(




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