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关于”鼓励人的短句高端“的英语句子3个,句子主体:Encouraging short sentences。以下是关于鼓励人的短句高端的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Encouraging short sentences

1、We encourage this. 我们鼓励这样。

2、But be inspired by them. 但是要接受他们的鼓励。

3、Our general policy is to place moral encouragement first , material incentives second. 我们实行精神鼓励为主、物质鼓励为辅的方针。

4、Because of you mutual between OK and mutual help is encouraged, the strong point that takes the other side fills place short; 因为你们相互之间可以互相帮助鼓励,取对方之所长补己之所短;

5、These were encouraging signs. 这是鼓励性的信号。

6、We get implemented general policy which consists of major spirit stimulus or minor substance stimulus. 咱们实行精神鼓励为主、物质鼓励为辅的总方针。

7、Unions are strong in Europe, and they push up wages and (worse) encourage featherbedding, short hours, and other inefficient practices. 在欧洲,工会很强大,他们抬高工资;更坏的是,他们鼓励滥雇工人,鼓励降低工时和其他有损效率的做法。

8、Alwayss rely on others to encourage people to struggle is not strong; there are other people to encourage people not to struggle is simply a coward. 老要靠别人的鼓励才去奋斗的人不算强者;有别人的鼓励还不去奋斗的人简直就是懦夫。 。

9、They've done a good job. let's give thema big hand. 他们真是干得不错,让我们给他们掌声鼓励鼓励吧!

10、Always rely on others to encourage people to struggle is not strong; there are other people to encourage people not to struggle is simply a coward. 老要靠别人的鼓励才去奋斗的人不算强者;有别人的鼓励还不去奋斗的人简直就是懦夫。

11、Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet. 互相鼓励吧!一句赞扬,一声感谢,由衷的赞扬或叫好,往往会使别人从此站立起来!

12、Tax incentives will encourage domestic production of oil. 岁收激励政策将会鼓励国内的石油生产。

13、Replace self-criticism with encouragement and motivating inspiration. 用鼓励和激励取代自我批评。

14、Do groups that encourage nonconformity and disagreement function better than those that discourage it? 鼓励不一致和不同意见的群体是否比不鼓励那样做的群体运行得更好?

15、In Xia Dynasty, the rulers bestowed rewards in court in order to make eminent the good. 夏代在朝廷上奖励有功的人,是为了鼓励好人。

16、Pierre de Coubertin proposed the motto, having borrowed it from his friend Henri Didon, a Dominican priest who taught sport to students. 顾拜旦借用了他的好友修道院院长迪东鼓励学生时用过的这句话。

17、Pastor Moy encourages the team members. 梅牧师鼓励短宣队员。

18、Encourage them to do something else. 鼓励他们去做些别的。

19、The principle of combining moral encouragement with material reward shall be applied in rewarding judges. 对法官的奖励,实行精神鼓励和物质鼓励相结合的原则。

20、Copying academical articles are also encouraged and rewarded. 鼓励复制者,复制学术贴也可获得奖励。

21、Dr. Colin Gill said rather than complain, women should encourage men to pop out for a swift half.*“Pub-time 科林·基尔博士说,妇女不但不应该抱怨,反而应当鼓励男人们出去短时间地喝上一两杯。

22、Singapore prods locals to speak better English 新加坡鼓励当地人说更好的英语

23、He stayed me to make a hit. 他鼓励我去取得令人目眩的成功。

24、A smile encourages the depressed. 微笑使颓唐的人得到鼓励。

25、So, can we encourage such observation without also encouraging a disregard for privacy and constitutional rights? 那么,能在不鼓励忽视个人隐私和宪法权利的同时鼓励这种观察活动吗?


26、Encourage humour. 鼓励幽默。

27、我的妈妈鼓励我好好画画 My mother encouraged me to paint 我的妈妈鼓励我好好画画 My mother encouraged me to paint

28、That kind of inspired me to start up SparkPeople. I wanted to SPARK millions of PEOPLE to reach their goals. 那些鼓励我创立sparkpeople,我想鼓励千千万万的人去达到目标。

29、So that's actually, like, kind of encouraging 所以,实际上,这有点鼓励别人的作用,

30、We encourage you to apply. 我们鼓励您申请。

31、We all need encouragement. 我们都需要鼓励。

32、You affect this gayety to inspire me with courage. 你是为了鼓励我才装出高兴的样子。

33、Encourages participation. 鼓励参与。

34、We implement the policy the spirit encourage as the main and material encourage as the facilate. 我们实行精神鼓励为主、物质鼓励为辅的总方针。

35、Please use fluent English to encourage others! ——请用流利的英语去鼓励别人

36、I hope your story encourages others to imitation. 我希望你的故事鼓励其他人仿效。

37、Would Lon encourage her painting? 朗会鼓励她绘画吗?

38、Thanks for your advice and encouragement. 谢谢您的建议和鼓励。

39、Residents are being encouraged to sing "red" songs and send text messages promoting collectivist values. 当地居民纷纷被鼓励唱红歌,发弘扬集体主义价值观的短信。

40、The cockfights, instituted by the mayor himself, were suspended. 镇长本人鼓励的斗鸡停止了。

41、Encourage industry upgrading. 鼓励企业提档升级。

42、“We want to push each other creatively, ” Pam told Good Housekeeping. (“我们想要创造性地互相鼓励(英文push基本意思是‘推’,也有鼓励、力劝之意,故下文说给‘鼓励到楼梯下’去——译注),”帕姆告诉《好主妇》杂志说。

43、Her generosity encouraged others to give unselfishly. 她的慷慨鼓励了其他人无私地给予。

44、He's not encouraging people to be blunderers. 哪是鼓励大家都去做糊涂的人啊。

45、To see complete strangers (both runners and spectators) encouraging, supporting and helping people along their way is both uplifting and moving. 对于陌生人(不管是运动员或者)的鼓励、支持和益于他们沿着正确方向发展的帮助都在不断地鼓励着他们提高和前进。

46、Second, there is no authentic highest award and lacks magnitude in spiritual and material incentives. 二是缺少具有权威的最高奖项,在精神鼓励和物质鼓励方面缺乏力度。

47、鼓励小朋友上学的故事的英文翻译 鼓励小朋友上学的故事 The story of encouraging children to go to school

48、MANY Chinese cities are short of water, yet encourage wastage by selling it at heavily subsidised prices. 中国很多城市都处于水资源短缺状态,但仍然大幅补贴水费,鼓励浪费。

49、you guided me and cheered me on. 你引导我,鼓励我。

50、I’m so glad to hear your encouraging words. 听到你鼓励的话我非常高兴


51、"Before this, I first thank "Yuyue Cengjing"'s encouragement. Also has Lingshui community's all populace's encouragement. " 大概意思:感谢预约曾经的鼓励,以及陵水社区全体群众的支持鼓励。

52、How do you encourage yourself? 你是怎样鼓励自己的?

53、Druing those days, he was always encouraging me when I feel sad and helping me to get out of trouble. 那短时间里,当我悲伤时他一直鼓励着我并且帮助我解决了许多问题。

54、Supportive texts were sent to 2,915 of the smokers for six months. The rest received only messages thanking them for taking part. 在随后的6个月里,2915名受调查者一直可以收到鼓励型戒烟短信,而其余的人只收到了感谢参与的短信。

55、Encourages "good-enough" quality 鼓励“足够好”的质量

56、We all deserve a standing ovation, at least once in our lives… . 脸部残缺的男主角奥吉说的这句话时充满勉励,其中deserve是常见动词,表示值得~东西、鼓励或奖励,他的形容词是现在分词deserving,表达某人值得别人用某种特别方式对待。

57、I hope my story will encourage you and that you will encourage others. 我希望我的故事能鼓励你,而你又胡鼓励他人。

58、Encourage exploration and Non-argument. 鼓励探索与不争论;

59、People perform better and more efficiently when they are encouraged, and your job as the boss is to be the main encourager. 当受到鼓励时人们会工作得更好、更有效。 作为雇主,你的工作主要是鼓励他人。

60、I also encourage you to do personal Bible study. 我也鼓励你们个人查经。

61、Other encouraged projects. 其它鼓励类项目。

62、He urges introspection. 他鼓励他们反省。

63、Today I want to encourage you to be an encourager. 现在,我想要鼓励你去成为一名鼓励别人的人。

64、Encourages separation of persistence layer (CRUD) statements from the rest of the application inside the data access object. 鼓励将持久层(CRUD)语句与应用程序在带注释接口中的其余部分分离。

65、When we encourage others, we say "Come on." 鼓励别人时我们说加油

66、Moreover, they tend to encourage short-termism among executives, eager to cash in at the company's own expense. 此外,它们往往鼓励主管人员当中的短期主义行为,急于以公司本身为代价,将其股权兑换成现金。

67、Any last words of encouragement or inspiration you can give my readers as they pursue their writing dreams? 在追寻写作梦想时,你能给我的读者几句最后的鼓励和启发吗?

68、Lack of reanimation from boss. 缺乏上司的鼓励。

69、Encouragement - Ones that refuel and inflate, encourage the person that does not dare to go ahead. 鼓励-加油打气的,鼓励不敢往前走的人。

70、Praise is a mental tonic. 表扬是一种精神鼓励。

71、Want to foster teamwork? 想鼓励团队合作?

72、A sense of encouragement. 一种鼓励的意义。

73、Many are starting to ask whether pay practices structured to reward executives for short-term growth of a company helped stoke the risky behavior that crippled firms like Lehman. 许多人都开始质疑,为公司短期增长而奖励管理人士的薪酬惯例是否鼓励了冒险行为。这类行为导致雷曼兄弟等公司的崩溃。

74、Write notes to yourself for encouragement and place them in pockets of clothing you'll wear next season. 写几句鼓励自己的话,然后把它放在下一季所要穿的衣服口袋里。

75、He never encourages anyone to work in spite of illness, nor does he encourage the workaholics overlooking their parents and families. 他从不鼓励带病坚持工作,更不鼓励不顾父母家庭的工作狂。

英文句子模板76:Encouraging short sentences

76、“That emboldens people, ” says Mr. Oommen. “这鼓励了人们”,欧门先生认为。

77、David:There are two solutions: encourage foreigners to study Chinese and encourage Chinese to study English! 有两种方法:鼓励外国人学中文和鼓励中国人学英语。

78、Every one of these interactions, however brief, is an opportunity to encourage, inspire, and make your leadership felt. 但是交流不管多么简短,但都是鼓励、启迪,让大家感受到你的领导力的机会。

79、We also encourage you to use them in your own animation reels , short films etc… 我们也鼓励您使用自己的动画辘他们,短片等…

80、The very philosophy of the foundation is "Love Passing", encouraging everyone to love with action and to pass love forward while being blessed with love. 基金会以“爱心传递”为理念,鼓励人人拿出行动去爱,鼓励人人在受爱的同时学会施爱。


标签: 初三 英文 短句

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