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关于”常用的句型“的英语句子5个,句子主体:Common sentence patterns。以下是关于常用的句型的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Common sentence patterns

1、The "When" pattern is very easy to use. When”句型使用起来非常方便。

2、The population in this city has now increased (decreased)to 800,000. The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January. 表示看法的常用句型

3、" a phrase often associated with him. 这样的句式开头的,虽然这个句式常常被认为跟他有关。

4、In other words, Elem is an abstract type representing ... well, anything that can be parsed, most commonly a text string or stream. 换句话说,Elem 是一种抽象类型,用于表示任何可被解析的东西,最常见的是一个文本字符串或流。

5、Not only does it improve your vocabulary, it also familiarizes you with common sentence patterns as used by native speakers. 的活动。 它不但能增进你的字汇,还能让你熟悉母语人士所用的常见句型。

6、Commonly used compound sentence structures, key language points and rhetorical methods are highlighted so that students achieve proficiency level through the comprehensive study. 讲解常用复句句型、语法要点和修辞手法,提高融会贯通的水平。

7、CNB Lessons on Business Negotiation of China: Including daily conversation, business negotiation, trade jargon, common phrases, etc. 《中国商务谈判36讲》:包括常用会话、商务洽谈、行业术语、常用句型等。

8、Theme-rheme structures appearing frequently in Chinese legal documents fall into three main categories: 1. subject-predicate structure or complete sentence; 汉语法律条文中常见的“话题-述题”结构有三种类型:1、主谓结构或短句;

9、He asked me what he should do. 常用于这句型的动词有:Advise, ask, inform, show, teach, tell.

10、Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 6, and write out in full numbers 2 and 6. 参照第6 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型2 和6,写出完整的对话。

11、Clausal predicate is a special but normal sentence structure in the Chinese language which always exists in the history. 主谓谓语句是汉语独具特色又较为常见的句式。

12、There is a mirror over the bed.―― The mirror is over the bed. There be 句型中使用单数句式还是复数句式遵循就近原则。

13、The thing is" is very useful to stop people in their tracks. 当你想阻止某人在他们设想的路上走下去的时候,“The thing is”句型是个非常有用的句型。

14、He show me how to do it. 常用于这句型的动词有:advise, ask, inform, show, teach, tell等。

15、You'll hear them all the time and you should be using them all the time as well. 你会总是听见人们在使用这个句型,你也可以经常使用到生活中。

16、“Be yourself, ” is another piece of frequently-cited wisdom that has become essentially meaningless. “做自己”,是另外一句常常被引用但却已经失去了其真正意义的名句。

17、This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in. However,that’s not the case. 表示例举的常用句型

18、To develop a full-dimensional export-oriented economy。 发展全方位的外向型经济。 (注意:常用句。“外向型经济”也可译成“export-outward economy”)。

19、It depends on" is very useful when you're trying to make a decision when things are unclear and you're waiting. 当你在形势不明朗,仍在观望而无法做决定的时候,"It depends on"句型是一个非常有用的句型。

20、I'm going to is a useful pattern for you to use in sentences. 'm going to是一个非常有用的句型。

21、This is a great sentence pattern for getting someone’s opinion. 这个句型非常适合用来征求别人的意见。

22、one very natural and very polite way to send an invitation is by using the "I'd like" pattern. 一种非常自然并且礼貌的邀请做法是使用“I'd like”句型。

23、Eg: We should often solicit opinions from the masses. 例句:我们应该经常征求群众意见。

24、I used to" is a pattern that you use in a sentence. I used to” 是个很常用的句型。

25、Of course the most common use of the "I want to" pattern is when you express your desire for something. 当然,“I want to”句型最常见的用法是用来表达你对某事的愿望。


26、Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 6, and write out in full numbers 3 and 5. 参照第6页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型3和5写出完整的对话。

27、You should make efforts in language accumulation, paying special attention to usages of common words and sentence patterns. 这时你应该做的是注意语言的积累,留意常用词和句型的用法。

28、The first step to providing useful insight into a large storehouse of data is to generate a common way of referring to the information—in other words, develop a controlled vocabulary. 要提供针对大型数据仓库的有用见解,第一步是生成一种引用信息的常见方法——换句话说,就是开发受控词汇表。

29、How many" is a pattern that you use in a question. How many”句型应使用于问句中。

30、I'm good at" is so useful when you want to talk highly of yourself. 当你想夸赞自己时,“I'm good at”句型非常有用。

31、May I happy your father birthday in advance? 请允许我,常用句型May I .用let也可,may i更加客气。

32、It's really a good pattern that you should practice and use often. 这是个非常棒的句型,你应该多多练习哦!

33、It will be useful and I think it also will show you that you are very smart. 这个句型非常有用,使用它也会让你显得很聪明。

34、This is probably what you've used most in the past. 这可能是你过去最常用的一种句型了。

35、I prefer to read rather than watch TV. There is a striking contrast between them 表示事实、现状的常用句型

36、So, "It's like" is good in comparing an object, person, place or thing to something else. 所以,“It's like”句型在比较物体、人物、地点与事物的时候非常有用。

37、He told me that the film was great. 常用于这句型的动词有:assure, inform, promise, remind, teach, tell, warm等。

38、Translation often involves economy of certain words or phrases, and conversion of sentence structures is not uncommon. 翻译中词的省略和添补是常用技巧,词性的转换和句型的转换也十分常见。

39、Business Chinese Dialogue: Including daily conversation, business negotiation, trade jargon, common phrases, etc. 中国商务谈判:包括常用会话、商务洽谈、行业术语、常用句型等。

40、Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 14, and write out in full numbers 2 and 3. 参照第14 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型2 和3,写出完整的对话。

41、Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 14, and write out in full numbers 2 and 5. 参照第14 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型2 和5 写出完整的对话。

42、The suprasegmental features, such as tone, stress and juncture, closely relate with syntax and sentence meaning. 常见的超音段特征如语调、重音、停连等,与句法、句义关系密切。

43、Let me is a great pattern to refer to yourself and relationship to other people. et me句型是用来表示你自己和你与他人关系的绝佳句型。

44、not really.= it is not really anything you should know about. have something to do with work:与工作有关.这是个常用句型. have 动词之后可用nothing,something,anything也可用a lot,agreat deal, little等词替换.

45、This is another fantastic pattern that of course is very useful in a variety of situations. 这是个非常棒的句型,你可以在各种情形下使用它。

46、We think it necessary to do sth. It plays an important role in our life. 表示变化的常用句型

47、I think you'll enjoy using "I like" in your daily life. 在日常生活中,你一定会喜欢上使 “I like” 句型。

48、A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications. The computer has brought about many changes in education. 表示比较的常用句型

49、So it's usually something you would say if you're close to someone 通常你会对亲密的人用这个句型,

50、Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 14, and write out in full numbers 3 and 4. 参照第14 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型3 和4,写出完整的对话。


51、and it's really a really wonderful pattern. Because it's something that you can express so many different things. 它们都是非常棒的句型,你可以用它们来表达多种多样的事情。

52、And fixed resistor has RT-carbon film, RJ-Metal Film, RX-Wirewound resistors. 而固定电阻常用、常见的有RT型碳膜电阻、RJ型金属膜电阻、RX型线绕电阻。

53、You can use the "it sounds like" pattern to very simply condense what he said, 你可以使用“it sounds like”句型,非常简单地概括一下他所说的内容,

54、You'll find "That's all" very useful to express what you have or to put a stop to something. 你会发现 “That's all” 是个非常有用的句型。你可以用它来给一件事画个句号。

55、   He bought some bananas for us。 通常用于这种句型的动词有:give, hand, read, show, tell, throw, wish, buy, do, make, ask, leave等。

56、The sentences of her poems are usually long while their lines are of moderate length, and the common sentence pattern occupies a predominant position in her poems. 而她的诗句则具有义句以长句为主、行句以中句为主、平常句型占支配地位的特点。

57、You often use this when you're expressing how you feel about a situation, 当你想表达对某一情况的看法时,你会常常用到这个句型。

58、And you will find this pattern useful for when you are talking about something in your memory. 当你在谈论记忆中的某事时,这个句型非常有用。

59、Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 6, and write out in full numbers 2 and 3. 参照第6 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型2 和3 写出完整的对话。

60、Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 6, and write out in full numbers 1 and 5. 参照第6 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型1 和5,写出完整的对话。

61、Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 14, and write out in full numbers 5 and 6. 参照第14页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型5 和6 写出完整的对话。

62、And it's useful for when you're talking about something in the moment that's going to happen. 当你在谈论马上就要发生的事情时,这个句型非常有用。

63、Notice how sentence patterns can be useful to ask questions and provide answers. That is why learning even a few key sentence patterns can dramatically improve your English. 你会发现,句型在提问题以及回答问题方面非常有用,这就是为什么学几个关键的句型能大大提高你的英语水平的原因。


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