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关于”动物的诗歌“的英语句子2个,句子主体:Animal Poetry。以下是关于动物的诗歌的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Animal Poetry

1、Emotions are the motive power of poetry, poetry assimilates emotions in songs when they flow together and men opens up its own expression territory. 情感是诗的原动力,诗从与歌的合流中吸取歌中之情而开拓了自己的表现领域。

2、His vivid imagery and personal symbology have consistently been seen as the distinguishing features of his work, which also give his poetry an irrational tint. 他诗歌中生动的意象和别具个性的象征常被看作他诗歌最突出的特点,而正是这一特点使他的诗歌充满了非理性主义色彩。

3、This is a movement that advanced modernism in arts which concentrated on reforming the medium of poetry as opposed to Romanticism, especially Tennyson's wordiness and high-flown language in poetry. 这一运动推动了现代派艺术的发展。 在诗歌中,反对精工细琢夸夸其谈的语言,主张改革诗歌的媒体。

4、They not only sang poems but also indited their own poems, which greatly affected the development and changes of the poems in T' ang Dynasty. 她们既歌唱诗歌,又创作自己的诗歌,这样的活动极大地影响了唐代诗歌的发展和变化。

5、The Imagism finds support in the oriental poetry for its poetic theory. The biggest influence of the oriental translation on the Imagism lies in the usage of image, space and juxtaposition of syntax. 意象主义运动在东方诗歌里寻求到理论的支持,东方译诗对意象主义诗歌运动最大的影响是意象的运用、句法的切割和并置。

6、Firstly, poetry is the product of combining poetry and music from the origin. 第一,诗歌从本源上讲是诗乐结合的产物。

7、The musical sense of poems comes from the expression of sentiment and emotion, and the rhythmic move of the mind. The painting image comes from the self-presentation of objects. 诗歌是心与物的复合体,诗歌的乐感来自情感的宣泄、心灵的律动,画意来自物象的自我呈现。

8、The wind whispers them the birds whistle them, the corn, barley, and bulrushes brassily rustle them; 风儿在哼着这些诗歌,鸟儿在唱着这些歌,谷物、大麦及芦苇在大声吟唱这些诗歌。

9、The silent Cambridge annotates a vivid images deep in the poet's mind, and is also a carrier of poem gist. 沉默的康桥既是诠释诗人寂然内心的生动的诗歌意象,又是诗歌主旨之载体。

10、From the development of Yongwu poems, those in Liang Dynasty are the most important versification. 从咏物诗的发展来看,梁代咏物诗应是最有代表性的一种诗体。

11、She has published poems in literary journals such as Shi Kan, Stars, Selected Poems. 曾在《诗刊》、《星星》、《诗选刊》等刊物发表诗歌作品。

12、Poets of the Southern Society were a lively force in the modern Chinese poetry, whose writings were run through by new styles, songs, and colloquialism, especially in the form of songs. 南社诗人是中国诗歌近代化历程中的一支生力军,其创作贯穿于“新学诗” 、“新派诗”、“歌体诗”、“白话诗”等诗歌近代化阶段,尤以“歌体诗”的探索成绩突出。

13、Unitarian stress the consistency of the character portrayed in the poetry. 一神论者强调诗歌中描述人物的一致性。

14、In this article, the author studies Pufeng's contribution to China's modern poetry from two aspects, which are poem writing and new poem campaign. 蒲风对于中国现代诗歌史的贡献,表现在诗歌创作和新诗歌运动两个方面。

15、The mistranslation of form is caused by the special form and content of poetry and the limitations of translation activity. 诗歌形式误译的普遍性是由诗歌形式和内容的特殊性以及翻译活动本身的局限性决定的。

16、Reading poetry to make full use of imagination to grasp the image, waved to imagine the wings to appreciate the mood to create poetry, poetry would need God. 读诗歌要充分运用想象去把握意象,挥动想象的翅膀去体味诗歌营造的意境,诗歌需要神会。

17、Image thought characteristics in feeling objects is a traditional mode of thinking in China, and the inner link of classical poem and modern poem. 感物兴会是中国传统的思维方式,是古典诗歌与现代诗歌诗思的内在联系所在。

18、At the same time, Zhangmo poems in "the thing Imutual change" of the realm , and classical Chinese poetry has inherited the highest state of harmony between man and nature . 这种在诗歌上从精神和灵魂深处对中国传统文化的承继,使得张默的小诗语言干净透明、诗意敦厚纯正,诗歌臻于完美、精致动人。

19、As a poet, he has publicshed many poems and poetry books. For examples: Poems on love and peace; Poems on the heart of creation, He has also publicshed a number of essays on poetry. 作为一名诗人,池田和义先生发表了大量诗作并出版了许多个人诗集如《万物诗语》、《爱与和平之歌》等等,他同时也发表了许多关于诗歌文学方面的论著。

20、And some of them even wrote some poetry about the animals themselves. 甚至还有学生主动地,写关于动物的诗。

21、Hsing is often located at the front end of a poem which is used to invoke the poet's emotion and initiate the contexts below. 兴为触物兴词,即客观事物触发了诗人的情感,引起诗人歌唱,所以大多在诗歌的发端。

22、Publication brought together many outstanding poets, and had gradually formed its distinctive style and the impact of Chinese poetry famous poetry genre , Jiuye School. 刊物汇集了众多优秀诗人,逐渐形成其鲜明风格,并产生了影响中国诗坛的著名诗歌流派——九叶诗派。

23、Liao poets were of Khitan nationality, especially the Khitan nobles. 辽代诗歌创作的主体是契丹族诗人,而且尤以上层人物为主。

24、Birds and beasts are frequently depicted in many a garden poem of the English Renaissance, mirroring the harmony of animals or the friendship between men and animals. 文艺复兴时期英国园林诗歌经常描绘各种飞禽走兽,反映出动物之间的和谐或人与动物的相善。

25、The poem prophecy is a poetry criticism form which intends to integrate poets with the related characters, and to verify the poetry, historical evidence and the original story. 诗谶是鉴诗者将诗歌作品与诗人或相关人物命运相结合,以求诗歌与史实或本事互相印证的一种诗歌批评形式。


26、His poetry reflects a Chinese intellectual's miserably throbbing soul and also exhibits the anima characteristics of his poetic art. 他的诗歌显示了一个中国知识分子苦难中搏动的灵魂,同时也展现了他诗歌艺术的生命性特征。

27、Aldington's poems were in the November issue of Poetry and HD's in January 1913 and Imagism as a movement was launched. 奥尔丁顿诗歌是在xx月的诗歌和HD的在xx年xx月和意象作为运动已经展开。

28、Of or relating to the poetry of a group of17th-century English poets whose verse is characterized by an intellectually challenging style and extended metaphors comparing very dissimilar things. 玄学派诗歌的属于或关于17世纪英国诗人的诗歌的,这种诗歌的特点是风格极具智慧,引人深思,善用引申的暗喻来对比极其不同的事物。

29、The possibility is doubtful to push forward the richness and prosperity of Chinese poetry by importing blank verse. 把“无韵诗”认可为诗歌的合理性,及通过引进“无韵诗”推动中国诗歌丰富与繁荣的可能性,是值得怀疑的。

30、Why does the speaker choose that amphibian as her representative of a public creature? 诗人为何选择这个两栖动物作为公众人物的代表?

31、The substance of this thesis is to comment the women's theme poetry of Yuan-Bai poetic genre. 选择物质文化的角度,对元白诗派妇女题材诗歌进行解读。

32、These poems are outcomes of the day and embodiment of the New Culture Campaign at that time, especially a reflection of culture and free verse written in the vernacular. 而且,这些诗歌是时代的产物,是当时新文化运动的一个体现,尤其是当时白话文学诗学的一个反映。

33、In his poem creation, he often quotes Chinese figures and literary allusions, opens up his poetic vista and expresses his special emotions. 在汉诗创作中他经常引用中国人物或典故,在有限的文字诗歌当中扩展了诗歌的境界,表达了自己特定的感情。

34、Ezra Pound wrote: poetry is a centaur. 庞德写道:诗歌就是人首马身的怪物。

35、Poems are the product of a poet's imagination. 诗是诗人想象力的产物。

36、Refers to the ancient Chinese singing idyllic rural life of poetry, mostly rural landscape and farmers, herders, fisherman and other work as a theme. 中国古代的田园诗指歌咏田园生活的诗歌,多以农村景物和农民、牧人、渔父等的劳动为题材。

37、Chants the poem is a poetry theme big class, The late Tang chants the poem creation especially to be considerable, Front its quantity goes far beyond the generation. 咏物诗是诗歌题材的一大门类,晚唐咏物诗的创作尤为可观,其数量远远超过前代。

38、There were many song poetry of figure judging in Han Dynasty, it was a kind of culture phenomena of Han Dynasty folk song poetry to judge figure with song. 汉代有很多针对人物评品的歌诗,以“歌”评品人物是汉民间歌诗所表现出来的一种文化现象。

39、Please listen to poetry readings "most glorious work." 请听诗歌朗诵《劳动最光荣》。

40、The combination of Bi and Xing has not only accelerated the creation of imago in poetry, but also helped poetry walk up to higher art palace. “比”“兴”的结合不仅促进了诗歌意象的创造,也推动了诗歌走向更高的艺术殿堂。

41、Zhou - yi's poems include three parts: Chant things, homesickness and narration. They are fruit of his emotion and experience. 周熠的诗歌创作由咏物诗、怀乡诗、记游诗三部分组成,它们是周熠情感和人生阅历的结晶。

42、His poems appealed to me the most of all that I read at the time. 译注)的诗文。 在我当时读到的诗歌中,他的诗文最能打动我。

43、Lyric poem, representing the initial stage of chinese poem, originated from ritual performance. 代表中国诗歌早期形态的颂诗是先秦仪式展演的产物。

44、The drive to include the world--Moore's omnivorous poems claim for poetry all the subjects that she mentions here and indeed many, many more. 在穆尔涉及广泛的诗篇中蕴藏着包含万物的动机,向她提及的诗歌的所有主题发出了声明,而且实际上比此更甚。

45、ShiJing not only influences the progress of poetry but also is the direct product of Zhouese cultural concept. 《诗经》的产生不仅反映着诗歌的进步,它更是周人文化观念的直接产物。

46、The wind whispers them the birds whistle them, the corn, barley, bulrushes brassily rustle them; 风儿在哼着这些诗歌,鸟儿在唱着这些歌,谷物、大麦及芦苇在大声吟唱这些诗歌。

47、Here is a sampler of various English-language poetry which, I hope, will give non-readers of poetry, in particular, the impetus to follow through and discover the joys of poetry for themselves. 这是我编写的一个英文诗歌集锦,希望能给读者(尤其是不喜阅读诗歌的人)带来读诗的动力,使他们跟随诗行,享受诗词带来的无穷乐趣。

48、Bird culture is an important perspective and special field for the creation of ancient Chinese poetry of animals. 鸟类文化是动物诗歌创作中的一个重要视阈及独特载体。

49、Ted Hughes, a British poet laureate, is famous for his poems in which raptors and fierce animals are described. 英国桂冠诗人泰德•休斯以笔下猛禽凶兽的动物诗著称。

50、Doggerel comes from popularized scholar poetry and folk poetry. 打油诗文体源于文人诗歌的俗化和大众诗歌。


51、The subject of his poem is to chant the praises of labour heroes. 他的诗的主题是歌颂劳动英雄。

52、The fuzziness of poetry language, which contains the fuzzy beauty, composed the aesthetic poetics of the poetic art. 诗歌语言的模糊性蕴含了诗歌艺术的模糊美,构成了诗歌艺术的审美诗性。

53、The translation quality of motion images in poems affects the artistic conception of the poem directly as well as the charm and artistic effect of it. 诗歌中的意象特别是动态意象翻译的好坏直接影响到全诗意境的营构,影响到诗歌的感染力和艺术效果。

54、Artistry of poem; 诗歌艺术; 宫廷诗;

55、A classical Greek poem modeled on the choric ode and usually having a three-part structure consisting of a strophe, an antistrophe, and an epode. 诗歌:以便唱歌曲为模式的古希腊诗歌,具有三部分结构,包括向左舞动时唱的诗句,向右舞动时唱的诗句以及抒情诗等三部分。

56、The modern poetry movement represented by imagist poetry in Europe and America promoted the modernization of Chinese poetry. 以意象派诗歌为代表的欧美现代诗歌运动促进了中国诗歌的现代化进程;


标签: 英文 八年级 简短 动物 年级

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