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关于”对xx年来的认识“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Understanding of the past year。以下是关于对xx年来的认识的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Understanding of the past year

Going to university is an exciting thing for me, because I have been studying hard to realize this dream before I enter the campus. I have a good imagination of university life. But the first year of university let me realize the campus life.

I spent a lot of time on study before I went to university. I think the university life will be very easy, I can do whatever I want, but I didn't expect that I needed so much attention on my study. All the people around me went to the library.

If I played so well, college life would not be so easy. When I live far away from home, I am very free, I enjoy this freedom, my parents always stare at me, so when I live with them in the dormitory, I can't be myself, I can stay up late to participate in activities. It's young people's right.

Although it's not easy for me to be a freshman, I still like campus life.




Drizzle in early spring Hanyu Royal streets moistened by creamy rain green grass overlooking, close at hand ‰ it is the best time of the year, and late spring tries in vain … its capital is covered by willows.


早春的小雨 韩愈 皇家街道被乳脂般的雨滋润 绿草远眺,近在咫尺‰它是xx年中最好的时节晚春尝试徒劳…它的首都被柳树遮掩。


There are many interesting things in summer, but the most significant thing is to learn how to swim. At noon, my mother saw me doing nothing at home and said, "Chen Ao, you are at home all day long. We don't exercise fat.

We go to the gym for exercise class to eat." I was happy and said, "good." after dinner, my mother and I went to the stadium. I saw a lot of physical education classes. They were: Basketball Class feathers Football class swimming class football can't see all my mother said: "a swimming class" I said: "Basketball Class" mother said: "summer is hot, playing basketball can be hot, winter news." I want to say: "good at swimming class" we came to charge, asked: "swimming Report finished?" the fee collector said: "the first issue of the newspaper is finished, two or three No." I said: "the second stage of the newspaper" he said: "The good time is:" mom said: "I just finished my meal but not digested." I said "it reports the second stage." "OK, it reports the second stage." my mother felt helpless.

My mother paid the fee and said, "I will learn in two days." I said "I know" when I go home. I am looking forward to the day when I change clothes. The coach who wants to line up says, "first of all, prepare for the exercise of 123 wells, which can be like ducks Like the water, my feet gently float to the surface of the water, cool, just came down a little cold, the coach told us to bring water to the body, no one will teach me to "float", the coach said: "head buried in the water, legs, sink and float first", but I can't learn, ready to abandon, my mother sent me two words: "as long as you work hard, iron black needle is impossible, one." Willingly Chen Ao came up to magnify my courage, buried his face in the water, really, and then floated up like this.

Slowly, slowly, for a long time, people can learn backstroke and breaststroke happily. I can't sleep. This is the most meaningful thing in summer vacation.




标签: 大学 四级 作文 真题

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