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关于”你生命的意义题目“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The meaning of your life。以下是关于你生命的意义题目的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The meaning of your life

"What is the meaning of life" is a question we all ask ourselves. I have asked myself this question many times in the past few years. The best answer I've ever met was written by the great psychologist Victor Frankel, who survived Nazi concentration camps during World War II and wrote, "the meaning of life is to give meaning to life." - when I was a little boy, I gave meaning to my life through simple play, running, jumping, swimming, laughing and cycling.

When I went to school, I have given meaning to my life by studying hard. In my teens, in order to make my parents proud, I found it meaningful to play sports with my friends. In order to impress girls in college, I decided what I wanted to learn and what career to prepare for.

When I was a teacher, I found the meaning of helping young people accept new and old ideas. When I got married and had children, I found it meaningful to protect the children and look at the people I loved. When I found out that my two sons were mentally retarded, I found that I loved them and cared for them.

I learned a lot from them about the meaning of life, love, compassion, patience and faith. Joey, as I grew older, I began to realize that meaning is not something that can happen Love, we can give meaning to every moment of our life, we can bring meaning to the things we do, we can bring meaning to the soul we touch, all we have to do is love, it is love that gives meaning to life, that is love, it makes life worth living.





2:,The value of life is formed by many stages of time, so we should make good use of time. There is a saying that "time is money", but in my opinion, time is more precious than money. Why can we make money back when money is spent, but when time goes by, it will never come back.

This is why we must cherish our time. It is self-evident that our time for study and work is very limited, even an hour is very precious. As a student, we should make full use of our time to do useful things.

I must study hard so that I can serve our country and people in the future. Unfortunately, there are many people who don't know the importance of time. Don't realize that wasting time is equal to wasting a part of your precious life.

We should form a good habit of saving time, and don't put off what we can do today until tomorrow. Laziness not only brings us failure, but also leads us to poverty. That is the value of life.





3:你生命的意义题目,We are alive, let us live, we have the ability to experience, let us have the ability to learn, let us learn the meaning of life can be caught in a short moment, such a short time often makes us escape our perception behind the dramatic development of life, what kind of truth can we grasp to cherish life? The truth around us seems to fade with the passage of time. These moments are connected into a series of events that we call events, and these events are a series of events that we call life, and when we seize this moment and bend it to our will, we discover the meaning of life, which for us will continue for a long time after we leave this earth.


我们是活着的让我们生活我们有能力去体验让我们有能力去学习让我们学会生命的意义可以在一个短暂的瞬间被抓住,如此短暂的时刻往往会让我们逃避我们的感知 在生命戏剧性的展开背后,我们能抓住什么样的真理来珍惜生命我们周围的真理似乎会随着时间的流逝而褪色。



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