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关于”我看到“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:I saw。以下是关于我看到的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I saw

One day, during the great depression, a man walked into a bar and went up to the bartender and said, "bartender, I want to buy a drink for this house." The bartender says, "it's OK, but we're in the great depression, so I have to look at the money first." The man pulled out a pile of bills and set off. The bartender in the bar couldn't believe what he saw. "Where did you get that much money?" he asked the bartender, "I'm a professional gambler," and the bartender replied, "I don't mean that your odds are at most 50%, right?" "well, I'll only bet on positive things," the man said, "just like" the bartender said, "OK, give me one For example, I bet you 50 dollars, I can bite my right eye, "he said, and the bartender thought," OK, "he said, and the guy took out his fake right eye and bit it." Oh, you lied to me, "the bartender said, and paid him $" I'll give you another chance, and I'll bet you another 50 dollars.

" "I can bite the money in my left eye," the stranger said, and the bartender thought again and said, "well, I know you're not blind. I mean, I'll watch you walk in and I'll bet." So the guy pulled out his denture and bit his left eye. "Oh, you lied to me again," the bartender protested.

"That's why I won so much money. Bartender, I'll take a bottle of your best Scotch instead of the fifty dollars," said the man with the dollar. He went to the back room and played with some local people for most of the night, drinking and beating "Bartender, I'll give you one last chance.

I'll bet you $500. I'll stand on the bar with one foot and pee into the whisky bottle on the shelf behind you without a drop," he said The bartender thought again, and the guy couldn't even stand on his feet, let alone one, "OK, here you are." he said the guy climbed up to the bar, stood on one leg and peed everywhere. The bartender, himself, but didn't get a drop of urine into the whiskey bottle.

The bartender laughed wildly, and the bartender said, "Hey, man, you owe me 500 yuan." The man climbed down from the bar and said, "it doesn't matter. I bet everyone in the card room 1000 yuan. I can pee in you and the bar, and make you laugh":.






(point of view, main idea, production organization information, tchart,) skim the subject and the main idea (/) skim, read the title and any subtitle, read the first two sentences and the last two sentences of each paragraph, read fast, don't read every word, summarize: summarize, OK,.




Don't just look at your own advantages and disadvantages, your own shortcomings and advantages are not compared with others. Although we have some shortcomings, it does not mean that you can look down on yourself casually, and compare your shortcomings and advantages with others. Such a person will only be a coward, ignorant person.

In fact, we want to compare our own shortcomings, not others, other people's advantages The comparison of your life really makes you realize your shortcomings. The "bullfrog" in Aesop's fable tells us a truth. This fable tells a story.

A frog sees that the cow and the ox can't compare with the exact proportion of whose, but eventually his stomach will burst. I think this frog is too stupid to compare with the cow. This is not to take advantage of himself In our real life, we don't think that's why we often say that only comparison can identify and a comparison can make progress.

This sentence is good. We can compare with others and better understand ourselves horizontally and vertically, discover our strengths and weaknesses, change ourselves, and better optimize ourselves. However, if this exceeds a certain limit, we can improve ourselves Compared with excellent people in many aspects, the results may not be so optimistic.

Our advantages and disadvantages disappear, and they are gradually magnified. Our confidence is a little bit lost, leaving ourselves with only negative results. Such comparison is what we don't want to see and can't be avoided.

We constantly jump into the trap, if you always compare your own shortcomings and advantages If others are strong, you can only see people: failure people should learn to give themselves some self-confidence and treat themselves correctly. Everyone is in the time of shortcomings and sadness. Don't blindly stare at their most subtle problems, but abandon so many enviable people.

I can learn some advantages from them, but can't compare them blindly.




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