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关于”介绍我的一位好朋友“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Introduce a good friend of mine。以下是关于介绍我的一位好朋友的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce a good friend of mine

(a good friend of mine) Mike is my good friend. Whenever I need help, he will come to me. I have to stay and clean the classroom with the third group, but they are still playing outside and there is no sign to go back.

So Mike comes to help me with the floor sweeping. A friend in need is indeed a friend.




My best friend, now that I'm 18 years old, I have many friends, but one of them I like more than anyone else. Since then, I have known him since I started school. He and I have lived together for ten years.

He is a man of mild temperament, but he looks serious and solemn. Sometimes he looks very old, sometimes he appears very young and very smart. But he is always smart, active and alert.

All people who know him like him. He is a learned man. He knows everything and studies almost all the languages spoken by human beings.

His memory is very good. He remembers everything that happened in the world, and so does he A great teacher, he has taught countless young people, so he is my best teacher and my best friend. He taught me Chinese when I was 15 years old.

He started teaching me English and some science this year. He not only taught me the above language, but also taught me a new language, French. He was a patient man, as stupid as I was.

He never tired of teaching me. He continued to teach me until I was fully familiar with my lessons, but one thing you might be surprised at is that although I lived with him for a long time, I never heard his voice when I asked him questions. He never used to talk His name is the best one to let me know his name, and let me know his name is my best friend? His name is book.





Mike is my good friend. Whenever I need help, he will come to me after school. I have to stay and clean the classroom with the third group, but they are still playing outside.

There is no sign to go back. So Mike comes to help me clean the floor. A friend who needs help is really a friend.




标签: 小学 作文 真题 介绍 朋友

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