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关于”标点符号及“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Punctuation and。以下是关于标点符号及的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Punctuation and

+It's not equal to ≌ it ≌ is equal to or approximately equal to ∩ approximately equal to ∩ approximately equal to ∩ approximately equal to ∩ approximately equal to ∩ is ∩ and ∩ is ∩ and ∩ is ∩ and ∩ ∩ integral ∩ integral ∩ integral ∩ integral ∩ integral ∩ integral ∩ integral ∩ integral ∩ integral ∩ integral ∩ 8745; integral ∩ 8745; 8745; integral ∩ 8745; 8745; 8745; integral he ∩ min ∩ sec ∩ degree C ∩ integral of sum ∑ (σ) open bracket, open brace, right brace, right brace (left bracket, left bracket) right bracket, right bracket / bracket [left bracket] right bracket period, dot | vertical line, vertical line and and, as well as, reference, star, multiplication, star, pointer / slash, division, slash, comment point, back slash, sometimes escape to period, comma : colon semicolon question mark exclamation point exclamation mark 'apostrophe hyphen Dash / ellipsis "single quotation mark" "double quotation mark ∥ parallel & ampersand = and surging dash section division → arrow. Period comma semicolon exclamation mark ~ hyphen' apostrophe dash single quotation mark double quotation mark () round bracket [] square bracket French quotation mark ellipsis series colon" ditto ∥ parallel / virus & and =, and swung dash§section Division → arrow + addition and subtraction ± addition and subtraction × times △ divided by ≠ not equal to ∠ equal to ≈ approximately equal to to to < less than > greater than ≮ not less than ≮ not less than ≮ not greater than ≤ less than or equal to ≥ each mill ∞ infinite ∞ varies with √ (square) root ∵ because ∷ therefore ∷ equals, as (proportion) ∷ angle ∩ semicircle ⊙ circle ≮ circle ≮ triangle ≮ perpendicular to ∪ union ∩ intersection ∩ ∩∩ TA hazeldl of the ∩∩ integral ∑ (sigma) ° min ″ s ∩ C ∩ system.


+正负±正或负×乘以÷除以=等于≠不等于∠相当于≌等于或近似等于≈近似等于<小于>大于≯不大于≤小于或等于≥大于或等于‰mill∞无穷∞变为√(平方)根∵因为∴因此∷等于,as(比例)∠角⌒半圆⊙圆○周长ππ△三角形⊥垂直于∪交集∩和∩∩积分∩∩分∵秒摄氏度∵和的积分∑(σ)开括号,开大括号,右大括号,右大括号(左括号,左括号)右括号,右括号/括号[左括号]右括号句点,点|竖线,竖线和与号,以及,引用,引用星号,乘法,星,指针/斜杠,除,斜//斜杠,注释磅反斜杠,有时逃到句号,逗号:冒号分号问号感叹号感叹号'撇号连字符破折号/省略号“单引号”“双引号‖parallel&ampersand=and swung dash§section division→arrow.句号逗号分号感叹号问号~hyphen'撇号破折号单引号双引号()圆括号[]方括号法语引号省略号串联冒号“ditto‖parallel/virgule&and and=,and swung dash§section division→箭头+加减±加减×乘以÷除以≠不等于∠等于≌等同于≈近似等于to<小于>大于>大于≮不小于≯不大于≤小于或等于≥每磨机∞无限∞随√(平方)根∵变化,因为∷因此∷等于,as(比例)∠角度⌒半圆⊙圆○圆周π△三角形⊥垂直于∪并集∩交集∩∩∩积分∑(sigma)°度′分〃秒#数℃摄氏度系统的∩∩∩ta hazeldl。


+The difference is equal to ∩ the ∩ s ∩ s ∩ s ∩ s ∩ s ≌ s ≌ is equal to or approximately equal to ∩ approximately equal to ≌ approximately equal to ≌ approximately equal to ≌ approximately equal to ≌ the ≌ the ≌ s ≌ the ∩ s ∩ the ∩ s ∩ the ∩ the ∩ s ∩ the ∩ s ???? the ∩ the ∩ s so ∵ is equal to ∵ so ∷ equals (scale) ∪ angle ∪ semicircle ∪, left brace, right brace, right brace (left bracket, left bracket) right bracket, right bracket / bracket [left bracket] right bracket period, dot | vertical line, vertical line and and sign, as well as, reference, asterisk, multiplication, star, pointer / slash, division, slash / / slash, comment point, backslash, sometimes escape tilde, period, comma : colon semicolon question mark exclamation point exclamation mark 'apostrophe hyphen Dash / ellipsis "single quotation mark" "double quotation mark ∥ parallel sum sign = and swing dash section division → arrow.




Hockey is a popular sport in Canada. The federal government in Ottawa is a West Coast Province. Dr.

Bethune is a Canadian company working in China in Bay, torrento ST is now the PM question mark in Halifax. How many provincial teachers in Canada asked the class a question. Don't ask me why the exclamation point we won the Stanley Cup.

The forest caught fire. Therefore, we should write to the prime minister. I can come to her today, but tomorrow is not vatario.

Quebec and British Columbia are the three largest provinces and half Karl. He was born in one A great painter's apostrophe ['] this is Davis computer. These are player's things.

Note: These are player's things. I don't know how to fix the quotation marks ["] the prime minister said, we will win the election. I can come today, but not tomorrow.

Cologne [:] hockey has three positions: goalkeeper, defender and forward. The prime minister said: we will Columbia - Vancouver - Vancouver, Canada - the next time we visit Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada, the weather is very mild, Vancouver, Canada, the next time the weather won't be popular with our kids from Vancouver, Canada- Going to the shops - most Canadians - but not all of them - the women who voted in the last election said, I want to ask - when the earthquake started shaking the room, it smelled good and fire-resistant.


曲棍球在加拿大是一项受欢迎的运动联邦政府在渥太华是一个位于西海岸的省份白求恩博士是一个在中国工作的加拿大人公司位于托伦托的Bay St现在是哈利法克斯的pm问号加拿大有多少个省老师问了全班同学一个问题不要问我为什么感叹号我们赢得了斯坦利杯森林着火了逗号因此,我们应该写信给首相我今天可以来她说,但明天不是瓦塔里奥,魁北克和不列颠哥伦比亚是三个最大的省半卡尔,他出生在一个伟大的画家撇号[']这是戴维斯电脑这些是球员的东西(属于球员的东西)注意:这些是球员的东西(属于球员的东西)我不知道怎么修好引号[“]首相说,我们会赢得选举我今天可以来,但不是明天科隆[:]曲棍球有三个位置:守门员、后卫和前锋首相说:我们会战斗我们不会放弃我们会赢得下一次选举分号[]这个节日非常受欢迎来自世界各地的人每年访问加拿大的三大城市是多伦多,安大略蒙特利尔,魁北克和温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省-温哥华-温和,潮湿,多云-这是凡库弗的天气特点-孩子们-皮埃尔,劳拉,和阿什利-去商店-大多数加拿大人-但不是所有人-在上一次选举投票的妇女说,我想问-当地震开始震动房间的时候,这个房间闻起来很香,防火性能很好。


标签: 初中 英文 作文 万能

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