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关于”和朋友保持联系“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Keep in touch with friends。以下是关于和朋友保持联系的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Keep in touch with friends

I have a lot of very good and enthusiastic friends, we have a lot in common, for example, we all like to go hiking, shopping and tourism. We need friends, because they give me support and advice. When we are in trouble, at the same time, we enjoy happiness.

We always use email or telephone. When we are all on the Internet, we can strengthen our relationship and keep in touch through QQ or msnit chat. I think I bring a lot of fun to my friends and they love me very much.

Although sometimes we leave our hometown to study in another county, we are still good friends.




I have many kind and warm-hearted friends. We have a lot in common. For example, we all like to go hiking, shopping and traveling.

We need friends, because they give me support and advice. When we are confused or in trouble, we enjoy happiness. We always contact by email or phone.

When we are all on the Internet, we chat. QQ or msnit can strengthen our relationship, maintain contact and communicate. I think I bring a lot of fun to my friends and they love me very much.

Although sometimes we leave our hometown to study in another county, we are still good friends.




With the rapid development of society, the campus is no longer an "ivory tower". After graduation, students must get in touch with the world outside the campus in order to adapt to the society more quickly. Almost all the students learn about the situation through television, radio and newspapers.

Some people even do part-time jobs in their spare time, such as tutoring, serving in some fast food restaurants. All these can keep students in touch with the society. Now the summer vacation is coming.

I have found a job as a typist in the office. I am good at typing. I think I can do this job well This is a good opportunity for me to get acquainted with the society and study.

How to get along with my colleagues and see how my knowledge is put into practice at the beginning of next semester. I will try my best to find some such jobs every weekend, regardless of salary. I think the most important thing is that I can really understand the society.




标签: 高三 作文 真题 朋友

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