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关于”环境保护的四“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Four aspects of environmental protection。以下是关于环境保护的四的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Four aspects of environmental protection

(environmental protection) nowadays, with the development of modern science and technology and economy, great changes have taken place in people's lives, resulting in many negative effects on the environment. This is because, first of all, some factories dump wastes into rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.; secondly, due to human activities, a large number of animals and plants are losing their lives; thirdly, the use of modern machines and chemical drugs to the The environment is harmful. In addition, there are many human activities that have caused or are harming our environment.

Therefore, I think, first of all, our government should take strict measures to regulate human activities. We human beings should spare no effort to prevent ourselves from destroying the environment and try our best to protect our living space[ http://wwwyyzwnet/ ] http://wwwyyzwnet/zuowen/html.


(环境保护)如今,随着现代科技和经济的发展,人们的生活发生了很大的变化,对环境产生了许多负面影响,这是因为,首先,一些工厂向河流、湖泊、海洋等倾倒废弃物;其次,由于人类活动,大量的动植物正在失去生命第三,使用现代化的机器和化学药品对环境有害。除此之外,还有许多人类活动已经或正在对我们的环境造成危害。为此,我认为,首先,我们的政府应该采取严厉的措施来规范人类活动,我们人类应该不遗余力地阻止自己破坏环境,尽最大努力保护我们的生存空间⊙[http://wwwyyzwnet/] http://wwwyyzwnet/zuowen/html。


Now, our living environment is crying. There are fewer and fewer forests. Some animals are disappearing forever.

We can never see so many birds. The air quality around the city is getting worse and worse. The clear lake water is getting dirtier and dirtier.

Almost all the fish are dead. What can we do to change this? From now on, let's start to do every detail to protect our home Let's try to plant more trees, make our earth green again, let's never kill wild animals and birds, let's try to stop polluting the lake. If we can do something together, our environment will certainly become better and better in the near future.




We live in the nature. There are many trees and flowers around us. There are many animals without them.

There is no beautiful and colorful life in the world. There is not enough food. Therefore, we should plant more trees, treat animals well, keep the city clean, and do not make more pollution.

It will live more beautiful. As students, we should take positive actions and make efforts to the world More beautiful.




标签: 初三 高分 作文 环境 保护

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