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关于”创业计划“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Entrepreneurship plan。以下是关于创业计划的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Entrepreneurship plan

According to the least reports, many students start their own businesses for their future development. Some students open online stores and some students open their own companies. Their teachers and classmates have different views on this phenomenon.

Some people think that having such an experience can help them better adapt to the society after graduation. What I said is that I think running some stores can bring more profits to students It can reduce the burden on families, because college tuition is not so cheap; second, when students do business, they can acquire professional knowledge, accounting skills and improve personal communication skills. For example, for running a shop, they can use what they have learned in textbooks last but not least.

These experiences can give them the strength to apply for jobs, because they are not By having relevant experience in doing business with others, they can learn how to cooperate with others and become more competitive in the job market. In short, I think students should do business. If they have the opportunity, it is a good way to improve their personal ability.

The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.




In the new century, with the emergence of talents and the reduction of social employment opportunities, many college students are faced with great employment pressure. Some choose to start a business, others succeed, and others can not find a stable job or start a business. First of all, it becomes a hot topic.

A stable job allows freshmen to learn from the experience of their predecessors faster. Lack of contacts and funds is currently the majority of Chinese universities One of the important reasons for students to find a stable job is that they are facing great employment pressure not only in China, but also all over the world. The news of Wall Street bankruptcy and the closure of the U.S.

government make people understand that it is not easy to find a job now. Secondly, entrepreneurship allows entrepreneurs to freely control their own times and win the respect of others. In recent years, graduates can be their own boss and make their own decisions.

The government has issued a policy to encourage graduates to start their own businesses. This is a good opportunity to start a business. Entrepreneurs will not only win money, but also respect and prestige, and even make their dreams come true.

I think whether it is suitable to start a company should be considered according to their actual situation, because This is a good opportunity, there are great risks, not everyone can afford to fail.




Due to the increasing number of college graduates, it is difficult for students to find a job because of the fierce competition recently. Traditional jobs are full of workers. The government encourages graduates to start their own businesses.

I think this is a good policy. On the one hand, graduates can give full play to their talents. They can choose to do what they are good at, instead of carrying out plans and executing them in the office Compared with command, self-management is more creative.

It provides a free stage for people to show their abilities. On the other hand, self-management can bring a sense of satisfaction from scratch and make great achievements. He will enjoy the process and feel satisfied.

This feeling is wonderful. He will be very enthusiastic and excited to accept challenges. Life is amazing for him The meaning of life is to make difference and self employment can make people feel that life is meaningful and wonderful.


由于大学毕业生越来越多,学生很难找到工作,因为最近竞争非常激烈,传统职业充满了工人,政府鼓励毕业生自主创业,我认为这是一个好政策,一方面,毕业生可以充分发挥他们的才能他们可以选择做自己擅长的事情,而不必去执行计划,与坐在办公室里执行命令相比,个体经营更具创造性,它为人们提供了一个展示自己能力的自由舞台;另一方面,个体经营可以带来一种满足感从无到有,取得巨大的成就,他会享受这个过程,并能感到满足这样的感觉是美妙的他会非常热情和兴奋地去接受挑战生活对他来说是惊人的 生活的意义是使不同和自我就业可以让人觉得生活是有意义和精彩的。


标签: 英文 作文 万能 专业 计划

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