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关于”我的教学故事“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My teaching story。以下是关于我的教学故事的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My teaching story

When I was about three years old, my parents would read me fairy tales before I went to bed. I like novels very much. If my parents miss this part, I can't sleep.

Books are an indispensable part of my life. They bring me great happiness and open a new chapter in my life. The value of books is infinite.

Some people teach their children to study hard and learn more knowledge so that they can make more money when they grow up. But my parents never expect me to make money by learning knowledge. They just want me to enjoy knowledge.

The more I read, the greater the happiness I get from the book. It shows me a more colorful landscape Reading books also brings me some skills to solve problems in my life. For example, I know how to deal with relationships from other people's experiences, or when I'm in a low mood, I know how to adjust myself and face life positively.

Books give me strength.




2:我的教学故事,My name is Michael. I'll tell you a story about myself. I graduated from China University of mining and technology.

Last month, I was employed as a network engineer by founder software company. I learned a lot about visual studio, Microsoft SQL server and so on. I am now working in vaconcn as an IT website engineer.

I think I can do this job well. At the same time, it is a challenge for me. I can learn more new knowledge.

I like playing badminton. I play Xinghai stadium every week. It's very interesting.

I also like to go to KTV with my friends. I like Ben John. I think his best song is my life when I lead it, This concert surprised me Microsoft SQL Server vaconcnktv.


我叫迈克尔,我给你讲一个关于我自己的故事,我毕业于中国矿业大学,上个月被方正软件公司聘为网络工程师。我从学校学到的有关Visual Studio Microsoft SQL Server等的知识中受益匪浅。我现在在VaconCN工作,是一个IT网站工程师我认为我能做好这份工作,同时这对我来说是一个挑战,我可以学到更多新知识我喜欢打羽毛球我每个星期都打星海体育馆很有趣我也喜欢和我的朋友去KTV,我喜欢本约翰我认为他最好的歌是当我领导它的时候是我的生活,这场演唱会让我大吃一惊微软SQL Server VaconCNKTV。


3:我的教学故事,Why are two monkeys and monkeys playing games.




标签: 小学 作文 故事 满分 范文

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