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关于”神话传说“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Myths and legends。以下是关于神话传说的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Myths and legends

Once, when a coachman was driving his car, a mantis jumped out of front of the car, raised its front legs, and tried to block the passage of the carriage. Of course, it was crushed by a wheel. This idiom is used to refer to overestimate oneself, to do something that is beyond one's ability, and the result can only be failure.




2:神话和传说,On the summer night of the Tang Dynasty, a man named Guo Han saw a girl slowly falling down from the sky. After careful observation, he found that the clothes she was wearing were seamless. He asked the girl why she answered "seamless".

This idiom is used to describe the perfect handling of things. It can also be used to express a perfect poem or other literary works.




3:神话传说,The wind and the sun one day the wind said to the sun, "look at that man walking on the road. I can take off his cloak much faster than you do. We'll see about the sun.

I'll let you try it first. So the wind tries to make a man take off his cloak. He blows and blows, but this man just pulls his cloak closer.

I give up saying that the wind finally takes off his cloak, and the sun shines hard on him, the man Soon it was hot and took off his cloak.




标签: 高一 作文 万能

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