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关于”对个人的责任题目“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Responsibility to individuals。以下是关于对个人的责任题目的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Responsibility to individuals

Personality is very important to success. Effective personality of fafan plays a key role in success. Arvind Bhatt, director of samvaad Bhatt, said in a speech on success and personality at the school of management.

Lachoo Memorial Institute of Technology (autonomous jotburg) and Cairn, the fastest-growing energy company in the world, said in a speech on success and personality at the school of management Bhatt, an interface between campus and business held by India, said that a positive attitude is very important for achieving goals. He cited many examples to enhance people's personality. He also said that one should change himself, or change will change.

His constant, consistent and continuous efforts are necessary for success. He further said that thought is energy, which he gave to Lord Krishna He said that success can be money and reputation. He said that shyness is a big obstacle to success.

One should always have confidence in himself. Knowledge and practice are the reasons for anyone's success. He said one should take the right path, go in the right direction and succeed at the right speed.

Bart said that a pleasant personality is self-confident and effective. He suggested that students should not focus on problems, but should pay attention to choices, praise others, do not criticize them, and welcome the criticism of good-natured people, he said at the end of the meeting Professor Ashish Mathur said in the end, success is the gradual realization of one's goals. Success depends not only on goals, but also on efforts.


人格对成功很重要fafafan有效的人格在获得成功中起着关键作用,Samvaad Bhatt主任Arvind Bhatt在管理学院发表关于成功和个性的演讲时说,Lachoo科技纪念学院(自治焦特布尔)与世界上发展最快的能源公司Cairn India联合举办的校园与企业界的接口Bhatt说,积极的态度对于实现目标非常重要,他举了许多例子来增强人的个性他还说,一个人应该改变自己,否则改变就会改变他不断的,一致性和持续的努力是成功的必要条件,他进一步说,思想是能量,他给了克里希纳勋爵的榜样,他的人格特征是他说成功可以是金钱,名誉,他说,羞怯是通往成功之路的一大障碍,一个人应该始终对自己有信心。知识和实践是任何人成功的原因。他说,一个人应该走正确的道路,朝着正确的方向,以正确的速度取得成功巴特说,令人愉悦的个性是自信和有效的,他建议学生不要把注意力放在问题上,而要关注选择,赞美他人,不要批评他们,欢迎好心人的批评,他在会议结束时说,拉胡奥科技纪念学院副教授阿希什·马图尔说,最后说,成功是对自己目标的逐步实现,成功不仅取决于目标,而且取决于努力。


Don't litter or spit in public places. If everyone does their best, I believe this city will become more and more beautiful. We have the responsibility to keep the city clean and tidy, so we should collect waste paper and empty bottles for recycling, we should plant trees and flowers.




标签: 初一 英文 作文 万能 个人

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