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关于”生应该承担的责任“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Responsibilities of students。以下是关于生应该承担的责任的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Responsibilities of students

Education is what we want to receive from our parents, so that we can acquire knowledge and make great achievements in the future. We should bear in mind that the following are the responsibilities of students: first, we should be filial to our parents and respect our teachers; we must do our best to study; third, we can't lie; finally, we can't criticize others; in a word, the above rules are the responsibility of students.




The Internet has created a new space for human activities. More and more people tend to record their thoughts and feelings on blogs. However, some people will publish abusive posters and spread rumors on their blogs, which has caused a series of negative consequences.

I think that bloggers should bear their sense of responsibility when writing blogs On the one hand, blog online provides us with a good way to express our opinions, at the same time, we also enjoy a lot of freedom and convenience, we can make friends, communicate with others, our vision may be broadened, our life will be greatly enriched; on the other hand, bloggers should be responsible for what they say on the blog, because it is not appropriate We should think twice before writing blog. Only in this way can our life be better and the Internet will be clean and healthy. Finally, while enjoying the freedom of blog writing, bloggers should also take their own responsibilities.




I always make mistakes, my mother is very angry, but I never care about my mistakes, because I know my parents will help me correct my mistakes in the process of growing up, I realize that I need to learn to take my responsibility, I can't always rely on my parents, so I try to solve problems by myself, and I'm glad to find that I'm very independent now.




标签: 大学 高分 八年级 作文 年级

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