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关于”写一封海报为你的餐馆“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Write a poster for your restaurant。以下是关于写一封海报为你的餐馆的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write a poster for your restaurant

Smoking can be fatal / smoking can be fatal. Smoking can cause serious harm to you and the people around you. Smoking in young people can clog arteries and lead to heart disease and stroke.

Smoking can lead to fatal lung cancer. Smoking during pregnancy can harm your baby. Protect your child: don't let them breathe your cigarette.

Your doctor or pharmacist can help you quit smoking. It's easy to become addicted. Don't start to stop smoking.

It's fatal Risk of heart disease and lung disease smoking can lead to slow and painful death seek help quit smoking: (phone / postal address / Internet address / consult your doctor / pharmacist smoking may reduce blood flow and cause impotence smoking causes skin aging smoking can damage sperm and smoking first contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide, smoking can cause impotence.




Welcome to our restaurant. We have prepared some delicious dishes for you. Our chef is from Michelin restaurant.

We specialize in French food. Our restaurant is famous all over the world. There are some other food, such as Chinese food.

Please come to our restaurant to enjoy your own special discount. Book the top ten.




The following is a poster of the youth sports club. Please read and answer the questions about the sports activities of this month's Youth Sports Club: Tennis: morning and afternoon ticket prices of various events: ★ $one person ★ $super group poster activity 7:: ★ / ★: https://picwenwensosocom/p//jpegjpg.




标签: 五年级 作文 真题 海报 年级

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