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关于”好习惯的重要性“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The importance of good habits。以下是关于好习惯的重要性的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of good habits

At school scale, littering and graffiti are common. We should encourage students to develop good habits and behavior. I believe that with the joint efforts of teachers and students, the school will become a more pleasant place for interpersonal communication in the near future.




In today's society, people have realized the importance of keeping healthy and good living habits. People eat three meals at home. They eat more vegetables than meat and fish.

They used to be very strong and seldom go to the doctor. Now they live a better life. People eat more meat, more fish, eggs and other fatty foods.

They often go out to have a good meal with their family and friends, but they are easy to get sick. Why do I think that eating more meat and fish, less exercise is harmful to health, less meat and fish, more vegetables and enough exercise are good for health Kang, so I exercise every day. My eating habits are very good.

I eat a lot about vegetables. I eat fruit and milk every day. I drink a glass of water a few minutes before every meal and eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

Of course, I also like junk food. I eat it once a week and sleep nine hours a day. If we develop good eating habits, the happier our life will be.




As we all know, migrant workers have made great contributions to the prosperity of the city. They are an indispensable part of our labor force. Most of them work on construction sites.

There is no doubt that without migrant workers, many construction projects will have to be delayed due to a lack of manpower. In addition, there are a large number of migrant workers who are a factor in stimulating the consumption of food and daily necessities, which helps to develop the urban food industry and service industry. All these are positive aspects of urban migrant workers.

However, as a popular saying goes, everything is two sides The situation of migrant workers is the same. First of all, they have difficulty getting their children into nurseries and schools because they are unregistered residents in the city. You know, illiterate people usually know nothing about the law, and they tend to make trouble in law and order.

Second, most migrant workers pour into big cities just to make money, ignorance and incompetence, some of them They will be unscrupulous, so what they want is a potential threat to the peace and stability of society. In my opinion, it is one-sided to affirm or negate everything in the evaluation of migrant workers. We should appreciate their great contributions and pay enough attention to the problems caused by them.




标签: 英文 四年级 作文 年级 满分

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