
作者:用户投稿 阅读:255 点赞:0




Fried rice with eggs is a colorful, delicious and convenient dish. The main raw materials are long grain rice, eggs, green onions, etc. in order to make it nutritious, you can add various vegetables, such as carrots, sausages, sweet peppers, peas, corn and so on.

The attractive flavor of egg, onion and soy sauce makes you have a big appetite. You like fried rice with eggs.




//Materials: rice, eggs, carrots / potatoes / small mushrooms, tofu spoon meat, spoon soup practice: carrots, potatoes, tofu are cut into small dices, small mushrooms are sliced, eggs are beaten and absorbed, salt and glutamic acid salt are appropriate, a small amount of oil is put into the pan, put into the meat, add cooking wine, a little soy sauce, stir fry in a pot, add a small amount of oil, add eggs, stir fry with a trowel, Sing the right amount of oil in the pot, add carrots, diced potatoes, bean curd, small mushroom diced, stir for a moment, seasoned with salt and monosodium glutamate, stew for a stew, then add rice, meat, egg soup, and then stew salad in a few minutes material: color and taste, rice and vegetables rotten soft, easy to digest.




标签: 初一 英文 作文 万能

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